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seouwu77: hobiiiiiiiii
seouwu77: I have something to tell youuuuuuuuu

jhobi96: hi seowoo!
jhobi96: what's up

seouwu77: can we meet?
seouwu77: like today
seouwu77: like now?
seouwu77: do you have time?

jhobi96: why??
jhobi96: did something happen are you okay???

seouwu77: oh I'm fine
seouwu77: but I'll be even better if I see you

jhobi96: I'm happy when I see you too!
jhobi96: but why right now?

seouwu77: I just have to tell you something I can't say over text

jhobi96: if it's important to you than it's okay with me
jhobi96: let's meet at the park we always meet in an hour
jhobi96: is that okay with you?

seouwu77: can we make it 30 mins?
seouwu77: I just can't hold it in

jhobi96: of course!
jhobi96: I'll be there

seouwu77: perfect!!



seobi hehehehehe



question: how do I make more people read my fanfic?

maybe reddit has the answer


xoxo s.k.

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