Things to think about

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Coming out to others can be a hugely liberating experience and
many people say it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from
them. Below is a list of some of these benefits as well as some
things to consider.

– Being more true to yourself
– Unloading the burden
– Living as you want to live
– Meeting other like minded people
– Helping/supporting other trans people
– Gradually feeling at ease with yourself
– Educating others/breaking down stereotypes/myths
– Being a positive role model for others

– Transphobia
– Safety
– Negative Reactions
– Being rejected/ostracised
– People not listening/understanding (ignorance)
– People trying to talk you out of it/
change your mind (scaremongering)
– It is a lengthy process (be patient)
– Be realistic about what you will achieve
through HRT and surgery
– It’s a life changing decision

Coming out rarely is all good or all bad, but if you do have a
negative experience, remember that by coming out you will have
increased opportunities to meet other trans people, make new
friends, and receive support from others.

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