Coming out

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Coming Out Step by Step

Telling someone that you are close to can be the hardest part
of coming out, so it’s important to be prepared. This step by step
guide will help you to have all bases covered.
Be sure you are ready to tell:

– Be confident in yourself.
– Be sure that you want to come out rather than
feeling you have to.

Be informed yourself – be prepared to answer questions:
– Educate yourself on the topic so you can educate others.
– If you are well informed you’re more likely to be taken seriously.
Get support
– See the Support & Advice section

Think about who, where, when:
– Be sure about who you want to tell and that
they are someone you trust.
– Do it somewhere neutral and safe, somewhere
neither of you know others.
– Make sure there is plenty of time to talk.

Decide how you are going to word it:
– Don’t be too scripted or formal.
– Don’t provide too much information at once.
– Try and be calm.
– Be non-confrontational.

Be ready for reactions:
– Be prepared for any reaction, see Questions &
– Remember that this might be the first time they have
thought of you this way/met any trans person.

Their first reaction might not be how they actually feel:
– Give people a chance to think and time to get used to it.
Remember that it probably took time for you to come to
terms with it.

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