Chapter 5

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The gust cold air shuddered in his body while he was looking at the snow-capped mountains. The sound of someone's footsteps caught his attention.

" Bo, Father is waiting for you at his office room." His elder brother Haikuan informed him.

Wang Yibo nodded to him and left from there.

Wang Yibo grumbled to himself as he pressed the appropriate button on the elevator panel to get to his destination.
His eyes narrowed as he watched the floor numbers count up idly, and with every floor that the elevator past.

Wang Yibo rather liked to be free soul than a well known Crown Prince. The Crown Prince was not one for sedentary life ; he could not stand sitting still in one place for too long and he hated having to read and concentrate on one thing at a time for a long period of time.
The thought of his sanity slowly being ripped away by huge amounts of paperwork was enough to ruin his mood for a day, enough to make him want to despair from this world. Of course, he can't do that, it's his reposibility to serve his country but what pissed him more is False pretenders, lickers of his soles and backstabbers.

Maybe everyone wanted to be in his place but not him.
He don't know why Oracle chose him as A crown prince but not his brother. Wang Yibo is cold and distant ; and his elder brother is exactly opposite of him; Warm, caring and capable.

The man was pulled out from his thoughts when the elevator pinged, the doors sliding open.
He stepped out into the hallway of the Top floor of the Mansion.
He greeted by the guards who were stationed there with an acknowledging nod.
His steps were long and firm as he made his way down the long hallway towards the office.
His relationship with his father is not good in terms when he married to another woman after 3 years of her mother's death.

He pause in front of the entrance for a second, took a deep breath and knocked the door.
The last time he had spoken to his father। especially face to face was approximately 10 days ago. When they were discussing about whom to send the invitation for masquerade.

" Come In" he heard a deep voice.

He stepped inside pushing open the giant door.

He approached and stand in front of large wodden desk. Papers were spread everywhere.  Behind the desk sat the man he called his father, King of Gusu Kingdom.

" Father..." He Bowed showing his respect.
" You called for me??"
He pulled out a few files from the piles of files.
"These are the people participating. I want you to look at the details carefully. You only few of them already. Yibo's eyebrows twiched. He hates the gathering. How he is going to compose himself in this huge event. He signed inwardly .

" I heard that Jiang family's Son is participating? " It wasn't a question.

" Yes, the red file contains the details"

" I am not into men father.."

" I can't stop them, any Royal family can participate. I know this is the second time when a man is participating but it's all depend on Oracle. " His father said turning a page on the file he was reading.
He Bowed and turned back to leave.

He walked to elevator and pressed the button for ground floor. He needed some fresh air and peace of mind, only one place can calm his mind, his personal house.

Yes he does not live inside the Mansion. He live at a small home , where her mother used to live. It wasn't too small but not too large. It gave him feeling of home and peace.

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