Truth Hurts

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Avery's Pov

"Lucy? What do you want?" I ask somewhat still angry at her for leaving Ross. "Is Ross ok? I heard everything." "Yeah he's better now." "Ok good, may I see him?" "Yeah he's in the living room." Lucy walks in. "Lucy what are you doing here?" Ross asks. "You ok? I heard everything that happened." He nods. "Yeah, I'm fine." Lucy smiled at Ross.

Lucy's Pov

"Ross I'm sorry about everything, that day I left you and Mary attacking over and ov....." "Lucy, it's ok I forgive you, but why are you sorry for Mary? Her attacking me is not your fault." Ross says cutting me off. I shake my head as I feel tears begin to form. "Ross there's something I need to tell you....." He looks at me confused. "Yeah?" "R-Ross.....Mary mom...." I say looking down at my feet. "W-what?" "I'm so sorry, she never liked me and you dating so she wanted revenge on you Ross. I'm s-sorry this is all my fault." I cry as a tear slides down my cheek. "It's ok Lucy, I understand." I smiled sadly. "Does Rocky know your here?" "No, that's another reason I came, to apologize to him." "Well then let's go."

Sabrina's Pov

Lucy told me everything. I can't believe it but it's apparently true. Lucy wants to apologize to Rocky so we all got in the car and drove to the Lynch's. "Oh by the way, I heard congrats guys on the wedding." Lucy smiled. We smiled back. "Thanks" both me and Ross said in sync. We stepped out of the car and knocked on the door. "Hey guys!" Ryland said happily seeing me and Ross. "Hey" Ross replied hugging him. Lucy stepped out. "Is Rocky home?" She asks. "No, leave you hurt him." Ryland shouted. "Please I came to say sorry." "Fine, he's in his room." Me and Ross followed Ryland in the kitchen, with everyone, as Lucy walked up to Rocky's room.

Rocky's Pov

I was laying on my bed when my door opened. I looked up and saw Lucy. "What are you d-doing here?" I say breaking into tears.

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