A glass pawn

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I placed my silver backed hair brush on the dresser. This game will be interested. I sighed, standing up and pulled on my backpack. The door creaked slightly as I left, tying a black ribbon around my neck. It looked like a chocker almost.

The halls buzzed with chatter and laughter. I kept a sweet smile on my face as I reached the notice board.

'Luci Kaginuk. Please go to the third library.'

It must have been from Rem. "You think it's her?"

"I wonder what she did." I heard whispers behind me. Rolling my eyes-so no one could see- I made my way to the third library. I gently knocked on the door. "Come in!" a voice called from the other side of the door. Rem's voice. Opening the door, I stepped inside. The third library was beautiful. Books of all different colours lined the walls. A long wooden table sat in the middle of the room, handcrafted. Four boys sat at it, one of them Rem.
"Luci..." Rem said his eyes narrowing.

"Rem," I replied, walking over to one of the open windows and leaning against the windowsill.

"I guess you got my letter then."

"Yes obviously else I wouldn't be standing here would I?" Shiki chuckled. Rem's face hardened into a frown, as I stood on top of the windowsill. "What are you doing?" Rem asked frowning.

"What is the name of that girl?"

"Ritsuka Tachibana," Rem said confused.

"It was nice seeing you again big brother. I leaned backwards falling out the window.


"What was that?" Urie asked still looking a the window where Luci had been.

"I guess you could say she has a bit of a grudge against me," Rem said moving a glass chess piece around the board.

"For what?" Urie raised an eyebrow.

"For not visiting her for a hundred years..." a look of guilt passed over Rem's face.

"Wow. She must find you even more insufferable that we find you. Luci may need someone to comfort her," Mage chuckled leaning back in his chair. There was a crack and blood poured slowly out of Rem's closed fist. He opened it and broken glass fell onto the table. "And why did you never tell us she was hot!" Mage insisted.

"I would never talk of her in such a way," Rem said through his teeth.

"What a strange little butterfly," Urie sighed.

Two chapters in one day, you guys are lucky ( ╹▽╹ ). Like always if you liked it please vote. There may even be a third chapter today 😏

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