A strange note

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I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright sunlight steaming in through the partially opened curtains. Sitting up in bed. I winced as pain shot down my arm. Stupid shoulder. I heard a knock on my door," Come in!" I slipped my long legs of the bed. Yuu- my old maid from the devil realm- walked in. "Yuu!" I shouted running towards her and hugging her.

"Miss Luci are you okay?" Yuu asked realising that my shoulder was bandaged up.

"Yes I'm fine. Why are you here? I thought you were visiting your family."

"Well Master Rem called and said you were here and I knew I had to come. You've gotten stick thin since I last saw you. I'll go get cook to make you a large breakfast." With that Yuu was gone, leaving me alone again.


Miss, I've got your food," Yuu came into the room and placed a large tray of food consisting of bacon, eggs, toast and mushrooms. Yuu left the room, leaving me to eat.


"Miss! There's a very rude young man in the entrance hall refusing to leave!" Yuu burst into my room. I sighed, pulling on my dressing gown, I walked down into the entrance hall. Urie was standing in the hall, wearing a long white coat. "Ah. Hello my little butterfly," Urie said, walking to the bottom staircase.

"What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I was wondering if my little butterfly wanted to go on a special trip."

"And what if I say no?"

"Well we could stay here and do," Urie lifted the sleeve of my dressing gown and kissed my wrist," other things.

"I'll take my special trip," I said pulling my arm away. I went back to my room and got dressed in an off the shoulder blue jumper and some black jeans and boots. Yuu helped me change the bandages on my shoulder and waist.


Urie took me to a carnival. People danced in revealing costumes, bright face paints almost glowing in. Clowns performed strange magic tricks. He led me into the large carnival test, where we saw trapeze artists perform dangerous tricks, which made the crowd "ooo" and "ahh". After the act had finished I pulled Urie out of the wave of people outside the tent. "Can you get me a candy apple?" I asked innocently.

"Sure," Urie smiled and walked over to some people who were selling candy apples. I felt an arm slip around my mouth and another one slide a knife against my neck. The person pulled me back into the shadows. "Hello there devil," it was a man's voice. Most likely a vampire.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to struggle out of the man's grip but it was like iron.

"For you to come with me," the blade pressed into my throat - warning me to stop struggling. A little blood spilled down from the wound. I felt someone yanking the knife from my neck and forcing the vampire of me. Urie. "What are you doing to my little butterfly you vampire scum," Urie hugged me, pressing my face into his chest and he faced the vampire.

"I think you know why," in the blink of an eye the vampire was gone.

"I think it best that I return you home now or else risk letting you get hurt even more. I'm sure Rem will be happy," as Urie said that I heard the sarcasm practically dripping from his voice.


"It better not scar," I starred at my reflection in the mirror of my bathroom. Rem had been positively fuming that I went out, especially after yesterday. I walked back into my room and flopped onto the bed. "Miss. I have a note for you," Yuu said opening my door and passing it to me.

I thought that you would be more careful than this...

I starred at the note rereading it but there was only one person who theI could stand for. Iphri.

*Eyebrows wiggle*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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