Sweet music

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I stared at the back of Ritsuka's head. As the bell rung for lunch, I followed her and her friend Azuna at a safe distance so they wouldn't realise I was there. "Have you been thinking of joining any clubs Ritsuka?" Azuna asked.

"Well yes one but I don't think I would be able to afford to go," Ritsuka rubbed the back of her head.

"What is it?"

"Piano." So she liked the piano. I might be able to use that to my advantage. I ran towards with my head down and 'accidentally' ran into her. The books in her hands went flying as I fell on top of her," Oh my god! I'm so sorry," I apologized profusely," I wasn't looking where I was going!" I got up off her and held my hand out. She took it and said," It's ok, don't sweat it?"

"Luci Kaginuk," I replied tucking a lock of my long blonde hair behind my ear.

"Kaginuk...Are you that new girl, Rem's sister?"

"Yes," I smiled.

"Oh, I'm Ritsuka Tachibana. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you to Ritsuka-san," I shifted from one foot to the other," If you don't mind I have to go. Bye!"



Ritsuka smiled after the beautiful girl. "I don't like her," Azuna said giving Ritsuka back her books.

"You judge to quickly Azuna. She seems really kind and sweet," Ritsuka brushed some dust of her skirt.

"So it seems."


"Smart girl," Shiki mumbled to himself. He would have to report Luci's actions to the student council, as he had been tasked with making sure she didn't get into to much trouble by Rem.


(As the world caves in- this is what Luci was playing if you wanna know.)

I lightly placed my fingers on the piano keys, my wrists lifted slightly. I let the music flow out of me, not really having to think about what I was playing. As I played the last note I heard a little sniff from behind me. I turned around and saw Ritsuka, her face tear stained.

Mini flashback-----

Ritsuka heard beautiful music coming from the piano room. It had the certain sound to it that made you want to cry. Peeking around the door frame, Ritsuka sucked in a breath of shock. It was Luci. Luci playing the piano. 'How could something so sad come out of suck a happy girl' Ritsuka thought as she crept up behind her. A few tears spilled down her cheeks.

End of flashback-----

"That was beautiful," Ritsuka said wiping her face. I felt my cheeks darken. What was this? "Th-thank you," I smiled, my blush depending.

"Where did you learn to play like that?"

"Rem taught me."

"Could you teach me?"

"Erm... sure," I slid across the stool so there was room for Ritsuka to sit down. As I glanced over my shoulder I saw Shiki and smirked at him. Turning back around, I placed an arm around Ritsuka and put my hands on top of hers.


"At this rate she'll beat us to it," Mage laughed," I didn't know your Sister new how to charm people that easily."

"Trust me she's had hundreds of years worth of practice," Rem sighed.

"So what are we going to do. Let her roam free?" Urie asked, twirling a rose between his thumb and forefinger. They had been stuck on what to do all evening. "I might be able to get her to stay at my house so we can monitor her more easily," Rem replied rubbing his forehead.

"We could also do my plan as well," Shiki said, picking apart a rose from the bouquet on the table- a slight blush darkening his cheeks.

"Depends Angel if your willing to let me have a shot at her," Urie raised an eyebrow.

"All I can say is good luck trying to charm Luci," Rem moved another glass pawn," I've seen many people try and fail. But if you do manage to, keep her distracted long enough for me to sort things out."

"This is going to be interesting," Mage leaned back in his chair.

Don't worry everyone. Some romance is coming soon!

A certain little Sister (a Dance With The Devils Fanfic)+Slow Burn LimeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant