Chapter 2 - Cute?!

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"Thank you, Bokuto." He said, as calmly as possible with a slight bow.

Bokuto found the smile incredibly endearing and he blushed a little again. Akaashi pulled out his debit card and paid before walking over to the far table and sitting next to his coworkers.

Bokuto went back into the storage room behind the counter, he walked to where his coworker and long time best friend was standing.

"KUROO!" He yelled enthusiastically, his eyes growing wider with a grin. "You won't believe it! I just met the prettiest man on earth!"

"Hhhhu..." Kuroo sighed. "Really, Bokuto?"

"Mmhmm!" He said brightly. "And he asked for my drink recommendation!" He beamed.

"So you think he's hot?" Kuroo asked, giggling a little as he said it, knowing Bokuto was going to tell him all about this man.

"Hhhuuh?!" Bokuto over exaggerated, but he really meant it. "He wasn't just hot, he was beautiful, dude. You don't even know." He shook his head slightly, putting on a pouty expression and turning to the side a bit. Then his head rose a little and his smile spread across his face once more. "I'll show you him."

Bokuto grabbed Kuroo's wrist and pulled him towards the main cafe, talking as he dragged kuroo behind him.

"He said his name was Akaashi." Bokuto bumbled on. "He looks kind of scary but he was really polite!"

Bokuto tried not to act suspicious and urged kuroo to do the same, though kuroo did a much better job. They lingered around the counter while Bokuto searched the room with his eyes until he spotted Akaashi.

"There he is!" Bokuto tried his best to whisper, pointing to Akaashi's table.

"Who are you pointing at?!" Kuroo whisper-yelled back. "That's a whole table of people."

"Ugghh!" Bokuto sighed, mock irritatedly.

Meanwhile at Akaashi's table his coworkers were talking about business and the like, then the only person akaashi actually considered a friend lent over a little.

"Hey." He said quietly. "I had a good view of you talking to that 'owl' barista, you were blushing like crazy, it was pretty fun to watch."

Akaashi glared at Kenma slightly, then sighed.

"Hhmmm.." he said sounding defeated. "Yeah... I guess I was blushing a little..."

"A little?" Kenma chuckled lightly. "Sooo... you think he's cute?"

Akaashi was about to take the first sip of his coffee at that moment, he brought the cup away from his lips and turned to Kenma, glaring again.

"Hey, hey, chill..." Kenma said softly. "He's totally checking you out right now though." He said gesturing towards the counter.

Akaashi's back straightened as he immediately whipped around to where Kenma was pointing.
Sorry for bad spelling.
Shorter chapter sorry ;-;
Have a great day/night :)

BokuAka - Coffee shop AU (kind of)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant