2. The Cat

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Despite the pouring rain Wooyoung could hear the silent cry of a cat, and he spun on his heals searching his dimly lit front yard for the source of the sound.

His eyes soon fell upon the luminous green eyes of a very drenched white ragdoll cat which was curled in on itself under his garden hedge. Its usual bright fluffy and voluminous fur now hung flat against its body, making it look very small.

Wooyoung was very familiar with the small feline. 

From the very first day he'd moved in the cat had appeared before him, almost as if welcoming him to the neighbourhood, and ever since then it would appear at his doorstep throughout the week and meow until he opened his door to pet it. Some mornings the cat would follow him to the station and sometimes it would appear when he got off the train at night and follow him home.

It was hard not to fall in love with something so small and adorable, Wooyoung at heart was a cat person, and often he would open his door and invite the cat inside during the evening to keep him company. 

The cat never showed any hesitance in entering, and it would hover around his legs, sit on his kitchen stool while he made dinner, and follow him around his home until he retired to his spot on the couch. Once on the couch the cat would simply curl up in a ball in his lap or would sit at his side as if it were watching TV too.

Wooyoung always made sure to put the cat back outside before he went to bed though. As much as he wanted to leave the cat inside he was sure it had a family to return to, and he didn't want to be labelled as catnaper even though he already lowkey felt like he was.

That cat had no collar, no name, and nobody he asked in the neighbourhood seemed to know who the cat belonged to either. Some had even questioned whether the cat was his. Wooyoung knew the cat wasn't a stray though, it's temperament was too friendly and calm, and he was sure that a cat as tame as this one had to belong to someone.

Even though the cat wasn't his he still felt a duty to look after it, especially in this pouring rain right now, no creature deserved to suffer like this. It'd be cruel to turn his back no matter whether the cat was a friend or not.

Wooyoung bobbed down holding out his hand, beckoning the cat forwards and out from under his hedge.

"Oh you poor thing, come on lets go inside ok?"

The cat whined and then immediately pounced over to him.

Wooyoung didn't hesitate to scoop the cat into his arms, and he held it close to his chest as he stepped inside and closed his door.

Wooyoung poked at his wall until he located his light switch and he quickly flicked the switch up to turn it on. He then shuffled to his shoe rack, more than aware of all the water dripping from his body to the floor bellow, and awkwardly kicked off his shoes and onto the rack.

He then dropped his wet bag on the tiles just inside his door and made his way over to his heating system to turn it up full blast before finally making his way to his bathroom, the soaking wet cat still calmly flopped in his arms.

Once in his bathroom he turned on his floor heater, grabbed a towel from his linen closet and then he sat himself on the floor on his bathmat, placing the cat between his outstretched legs.

 Wooyoung ran the towel down its back, massaging its fur dry, and he made sure that the cat was close enough to the heater that it would help it dry but not so close that it would burn itself.

"Did you come out to visit me?" he questioned casually.

The cat looked up, meeting Wooyoung's eyes, meowing in response.

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