4. Mist

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The kettle clicked signaling that it had finished boiling, and Wooyoung turned around, using one arm to hold the cat to him like a child and the other to pick up the kettle.

He poured some hot water into his mug, then some milk from the fridge, and finally a few too many spoonful's of chocolate and sugar.

Satisfied with his beverage he carefully walked back into his bedroom, careful not to spill any liquid from the steaming cup.

Once inside his room he sat the mug on his bed side table and sat himself on his bed, relaxing into his pillows while cuddling the cat to him like one would a plushie.

After some cute kitty snuggles he sat up and placed the cat in his lap.

"You having fun there?" Wooyoung asked in a soft voice as he watched the cat now making itself comfortable on his lap, its little paws pressing at his legs as it rotated itself in a circle before sitting down and settling.

The cat meowed and purred contently.

Wooyoung smiled and ran his fingers through the cats smooth fur soothingly, before pulling his phone from his hoodie pocket. The device thankfully already at 10% charge.

Wooyoung pressed the power button, switching the small device on.

Once on Wooyoung felt a giddy feeling rise in his chest, he had this very feeling every time he switched on his phone.

Ages ago when San was over at his place to watch a movie Wooyoung had taken a photo of the boy. He thought he was sneaky, but San was watching out the corner of his eye and had insisted that "That photo of me better be put to good use".

Wooyoung had been embarrassed that he had been caught and confused as to what San had meant, and then he grew even more confused when San had held out his hand wanting Wooyoung to give him the phone.

Wooyoung had given the boy the device and sat nervously as San tapped at his screen. A couple anxious seconds passed and San handed the phone back.

Wooyoung was at a loss as to what San had done but then he unlocked his phone to see the photo he took of San was now his background

"See, now it's been put to good use" San had smiled.

Wooyoung had felt butterflies roam his stomach and he had been feeling them constantly ever since because he never changed it to anything else. He loved looking at San every time he switched on his phone, and the fact that San had set the wallpaper himself made it ok.

He also had vowed that he'd never change it to anything else unless San was his boyfriend and hence then he could take an even better photo, and not have an ounce of hesitation as he set it to his background.

Wooyoung flicked down his notification tab and connected to his wifi, he then opened up instagram, his fingers moving on autopilot as he typed in San's user name: Lil_Sannie_Boy.

Wooyoung sighed a little when he saw San hadn't posted, but he very quickly found himself smiling again as he scrolled through the boys feed, and his tummy and heart did strange things every time he came across a photo San had posted of himself and Wooyoung.

"I wonder how he is" Wooyoung mumbled, gaining a small mew and a glance from the cat in his lap.

Wooyoung twirled the cats tail around his finger as he typed a message to San.


Hey San! Just thought I'd check in to see you got home alright in this rain. How was work today? Did you get any free bread?? I'm still waiting for more of that cheese and chive bread you brought to mine last time, that shit was good!!

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