3. The Boy

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Wooyoung stepped out of his room, heading to his front door to grab his phone out of his wet bag, the cat following behind him. 

He was glad that his phone was waterproof and that he didn't have any papers or documents in his bag because surely they would have been ruined by the rain if that were the case.

Once at the door he noticed a huge puddle that had formed around his bag and he silently thanked the heavens that the front area inside his door were all granite tiles, so he could quickly drop some paper towel on the ground and clean the mess up in a snap.

Under the attentive gaze of the cat Wooyoung attended to the puddle on the floor, before heading to the kitchen and dropping what few things he had in his bag onto a tea towel on his bench.

After then placing his bag on the drying rack in the laundry to dry he circled back out to his lounge to find his power bank for his phone.

Once he had his charger he plugged his phone in, slipped the device into his large hoodie pocket, and shuffled into his kitchen to make himself some hot milk, in need of something to warm up his belly.

He quickly filled up his kettle, located his favourite cat mug from his cupboard, and once the kettle began to boil he bobbed down to scoop up the cat which was now nuzzling against his leg.

"You should be lucky it's still raining little one otherwise I'd put you outside so you can go home. Your poor family is probably worried sick right now".

The cat meowed and looked up at Wooyoung with soft kitten eyes that made his heart melt.

The cat was so soft and fluffy, and Wooyoung buried his face in its fur, cuddling it close. The cat in turn snuggled closer and nuzzled its head against Wooyoung's chest, its tail happily flicking about.

The cat in all honesty was probably the only thing that showed him real genuine affection.

No one else snuggled into him like the cat snuggled into him.

Wooyoung sighed as he lent on his bench counter and gently pressed a butterfly kiss to the cats fur.

He wished he had a boyfriend, or rather he wished a particular someone he knew was his boyfriend, then he could have all the cuddles in the world and then some, he was sure of it.

There was a kind and handsome boy named Choi San who lived on his own a couple houses down from Wooyoung's, he was a few months older, a little bit taller and he gave the best hugs even if they only lasted for milli seconds.

The same day Wooyoung had met the cat about a year and a bit ago when he moved in, he had also met San.

It was late afternoon and the older boy had appeared out of nowhere offering to help Wooyoung carry his moving boxes and belongings from his front lawn and into his house. The moving truck had dumped his stuff there and then nicked off before he had even arrived himself.

On that first day San was dressed in perfect denim jeans that snugly hugged his thighs, a loose plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up tucked neatly into his pants and a pair of burgundy doc martens, that Wooyoung in the coming days soon came to learn were one of many that the boy owned.

His skin was a precious honey colour, his eyes a glassy green and his hair a light white blonde, much like the cat he was holding now.

In his left ear was a small white diamond stud and in his right was a silver chain from his helix to his lobe.

At first Wooyoung had been thrown off guard as to why the boy was offering to help him, he was attractive, 100% the most attractive boy Wooyoung had ever seen, and he also looked intimidating with his narrow eyes, high cheek bones and bow shaped lips.

San was the type of person Wooyoung would never approach on his own but was sure that given the opportunity he could stare at for hours.

He looked like your typical high school pretty boy, the one that got good grades, looked fly as fuck at the same time, and was more or less untouchable to those outside their inner circle.

Wooyoung would treasure boys like San from afar all the while knowing he didn't stand a chance and would likely never become one of those inner circle mates.

But thankfully for aforementioned reasons Wooyoung didn't have to approach because the older came up to him first, and in doing so opened a door for Wooyoung to enter. . .or rather jam his foot into.

San had opened the door and knowingly or not welcomed Wooyoung into his life, and Wooyoung in no way was going to let that door to San close.

Wooyoung was whipped at first sight, and he was determined not to let such a prized catch such as San go.

Once the boy began to smile his sweet dimpled smile Wooyoung could see that the older was more than just a pretty boy.

San seemed kind and friendly and he oozed warmth in spades, hence as soon as Wooyoung's moving boxes were inside he invited San to stay for pizza hellbent on making the older a permanent fixture in his life.

On that very first day they'd exchanged numbers and their social media and just as Wooyoung had hoped they kept talking to each other and seeing each, their friendship growing more and more each day.

Wooyoung often found himself messaging the older boy, inviting him over for dinner or lunch or just to hang out, and Wooyoung was most delighted to receive such messages asking him out in return.

Most hangouts were spent at either of their houses, though sometimes they made their way to the local restaurants or to the park where they'd eat at one of the picnic tables and then have way to much fun being kidults by playing on the park equipment.

Wooyoung wasn't sure whether they could be considered dates, since neither he nor San ever called them that. Wooyoung was sure San only saw him as a friend and a means for common social interaction. But sometimes he liked to imagine that their time together meant a whole lot more.

One day Wooyoung hoped to go on a proper date with San, and then be his boyfriend, his lover, his everything.

He knew he was being stubborn for not asking San out himself, but secretly he hoped San would ask him to be his first.
One day, he hoped.

~ ♡ ~

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