chapter eight

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- october 31st 1994 -

period one to three classes were all cancelled the next day. allowing for people to enter the goblet in the time before lunch then after their sixth period classes. it was early morning when y/n first left her empty dorm. it seemed common for her dorm mates to leave early to go to breakfast though she didn't really mind.

y/n was more annoyed than alarmed when seeing she grabbed the wrong robe the night before. she now stood in a red and gold robe way too long for the girl. storming out of her dorm she sighed when seeing roger sat at one of the couches reading a book.

the boy looked up startled from the noise. quickly looking up before looking back at his book, "mornin-" he said. though he thought his eyes we're tricking him as his brain seemingly thought that the girl was standing in gryffindor robes and he looked back up. "gryffindor robes? my my- they look crusty. could only be one persons robes you can't tell me you and one of the weasley's had, you two did-"

"no!" she screamed.

her screaming had interrupted fellow students. along with this it had resulted in angry ravenclaws in the common room to sush her.

running over to him and covering his mouth, "i-i just grabbed the wrong robes when i was helping them with the potion yesterday in their dorm. shut it." she hissed.

"right. if you say so." he said unconvinced. though he didn't have much interest in it he was only teasing the girl. "happy birthday by the way." he mumbled, his voice still muffled because of her hand which was covering his mouth.

"merci. (thank you) now i'm going to to goblet. i'll see you in class." she said.

before leaving the girl slipped off the red and gold robe folding it nicely and putting it into her bag.

the girl was quick to exit the common room. a bag over her shoulder and one singular piece of parchment on her other hand. in clear dark ink y/n dubois — hogwarts. written across it.

she spotted harry, hermione and ron standing before the goblet making their way towards them. hermione smiled as the girl approached them, "good morning y/n happy birthday." she said sweetly.

"morning and thank you." the older girl replied.

"anyone put their name in yet?" ron asked a third-year girl eagerly.

"all the dumstrang lot," she replied. "but i haven't seen anyone from hogwarts yet."

"bet some of them put in last night after we'd all gone to bed," said harry, "i would've done if it had been me... wouldn't have wanted anyone watching. what if the goblet just gob-bed you right back out again?"

someone had laughed behind harry. the four turned and saw fred, george and lee hurting down the staircase looking far too excited for y/n's comfort. with fred not even wearing a robe but simply his gryffindor jumper, though he held his book bag.

fred rushed over firstly pulling y/n into a tight hug before pulling away and holding a bottle up, "done it. well y/n did it." he said in a triumphant whisper to harry, ron and hermione. "just taken it."

"what?" said ron.

"the ageing potion, dungbrains." said fred as he swatted his younger brothers head slightly.

the boy groaned, "hey!"

"two drops each," said george grinning as he rubbed his hands together with glee, "we only need to be a few months older."

"george did you say two drops." y/n said now suddenly alarmed. the boy nodded sheepishly, "i say one drop! do you three ever listen to me!" she screeched.

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