chapter fiftheen

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- november 24th 1994 -

november 24th was the busiest day any current students at hogwarts have witnessed yet. from 6am in the morning when the great hall had opened to start serving breakfast to 10 when it finally closed. students upon students filled the tables eating excitedly as they awaited to be chaperoned to the seating areas of the first event which was located by the forbidden forest.

y/n joined fred, george and lee as the three prepared to start selling some items for the twins joke shop. along with collecting bets from those who passed them as they walked down to the first event. discussing and planning things as such. but the group were not going to sell anything today but collect bets for the first event and then eventually the remaining ones.

the group stood on the hill carrying various boxes as student upon students walked down to where they would watch the first event.

"any bets!"

"any bets!"

"three lads one lady, four go down will they all come up!" shouted fred and george.

ginny weasley rolled her eyes at her brothers as she approached them. "don't be so mean." the girl spat.

though the two boys shrugged off at her, "meh, bets for free!"

soon most of the hogwarts population had headed down and as did the four. they packed up their stuff and had put all equipment into their bags. going through the crowd they slid into spots between ron.

fred nudged his younger brother, "not giving harry any help?"

"oh shove off fred." the younger boy grumbled.

"someone's time of the month i see."

"fred!" y/n hissed swatting him with her hand, "don't be a brat."

"sorry." he replied shrugging his shoulders lightly.

bagman emerged from the champions tent smiling, "now, now everyone in the audience hush hush. for we are about to start the first event of the twiwizard tournament!! if you are from hogwarts give us a cheer!" 

he waited moments and sure enough students screamed and cheered loudly. especially those of gryffindor and hufflepuff. 

"if you are the lovely gents and ladies from durmstrang institute give us a big cheer." soon the boys from all over the crowd got up screaming and shouting like no tomorrow.  "now finally if you're from beauxbatons academy of magic give us a cheer!" the beauxbatons cheer was anything but loud and rather soft. one hogwarts house alone was and could be louder than them any day.

"now the moment you've all been waiting for, put your hand together for the one and only cedric diggory who is against a swedish short-snout!"

cedric walked out and the crowd erupted in cheers once again.

the dragon breeders had pulled the swedish short-snout out. ron laughed nudging fred beside him, "oh look its old o' charlie." the younger boy said.

fred and george weasley simultaneously turned their heads to see the tall read headed boy. their older brother, "oh charlie!" screeched fred. the tall boy turned looking up at the crowd and in seconds when his eyes found his younger brothers he shot a thumbs up and a smile.

before anyone knew it, cedric's round had started.

"oooh, narrow miss there, very narrow. he's taking risks! this one!! clever move - pity it didn't work!!" 

then after around fifteen minutes. the crowed roared in celebration. that meant only one thing cedric had gotten past his dragon and captured the golden egg.

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