They give you a bath.

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So I forgot to put what the (...) things where. I'll start from now


Was nervous so he asked erina for help. And you where calm for the whole shower. You just kept staring at him and making little screams once in a while.

And soon it was time for giorno to take a shower. Danny hopped in just for the sake of it.

And giorno was just sitting watching you while showering in a different bathtub. Now a 1 year old has a crush.


He didn't know how to shower you, he went to a water park and showered you in it. You had a two piece bathing suit that looked like a bee.

You guys went home and Suzie found out. Holly was kinda sad that she didn't get to go to the park. After that, she showed him how to actually shower you, he probably was dumb enough to hit his head that hard that he forgot how to shower baby's.


He still remembers how to shower baby's. He even bought ocean animal bath toys and ocean scented baby soap.

You enjoyed the dolphin squeaky shower toys. And if it weren't for star platinum soap would have gone into your beautiful stormy ocean eyes. You cooed at star excuse he was playing with you and the sea toys, especially the dolphins.


Josuke he had crazy diamond out just in case he messes something up. Once you touched the water your eyes widened and you screamed or squealed. Then he accidentally dropped you in the water and he screamed. You fell face first into the water since you can't sit down by your self yet.

Crazy diamond picked you up and searched all over you for any wounds.
Grandma Higashkita got mad at him and scolded him. You where left confused about how another person just popped out of no where.


He had bruno to help him. He let giorno to try to shower you. He went to get the camera to take a picture of this scene. He had some rose scented bay soap and it went in your eye. You stared crying and bruno came to your aid.

Giorno then later in bed with you on his chest and fell asleep with you.


She had to get her dad's help. Anasui didn't know how to shower a baby either. When you first set foot in the water, you felt complete calm. You stared at you mother and her useless attempts of showering you.

Jotaro showed both your parents how to take you a bath. They took turns on scrubbing you. You just enjoyed being in the water.


He had his servants bring you the things you need for your bath. He knew how to shower a baby, he showered giorno before. He took you a shower without a hard time. You did wiggle a lot, but he managed.

"Of course I , Dio..did a great job at showering a baby" He then did a pose and turned around.

"DAD SHE FELL FACE FIRST INTO THE WATER!!" Dio stopped time and took you out and wrapped you into a towel and kissed you multiple times.

"Next time I should pay attention and not celebrate my success to early."

WHOOH..that's done..I have school tomorrow and I will still try to write chapters through out the classes.

Next chapter: They give you your first bottle

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