At the devils home

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We arrived at the school Avery and giovanna didn't even notice. they were too busy chatting away i had to scream to get their attention. We got off the bus and i tripped they kept walking i looked at them in despise but i shouldn't exaggerate, it's fine they didn't notice.
             in homeroom:
Avery and Giovanna are obviously sitting next to each other, I had to sit in the back because there wasn't enough space. I could see Avery and Giovanna chatting but they didn't loose eye contact. The teacher told everyone to be quiet and that we had a new student. The new student walked in and i noticed they looked familiar. could it be..? no no that's impossible it cannot be my crazy ex, what is Zack doing here, I had to leave.
     I grabbed my backpack and ran out. I would've though my two best friends would come chasing after me but i guess not instead i just ran faster, i wanted to vanish. I don't want to be here.
     At home
My mom was at home like usual i told her what happened and she completely understood but she told me i have to email my school cause that's not normal to just walk out.  My mom tried comforting me she understood how terrible my ex was, I wasn't even exaggerating. I went upstairs to my bedroom and sat there waiting for a text instead I just fell asleep.
NO! STOP! please let me out! I cant stand this longer you are brutal. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP. I gasped reaching for air. silently i said "please help.." i was trapped. no food, barely any air, i was hopeless. i couldn't stand up to open the door he just stood there, laughing.

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