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(Ok so Abby replaces Matt in all the numbers but he's like still there. Do you get that? Except when it's Boys vs Girls then she's just an extra with the girls)

Abby's POV

Lima a small town in Ohio. It's not much but it's suitable. I see the spanish teacher Mr.Schue walk by me, my brother and my friend Puck. "Making some new friends Kurt?"

Puck answers, "He sure is Mr.Schue"

Then he walks pass Finn reminding him that he still owes him work about what he did last summer. Then once he leaves Puck goes back to tossing Kurt in the dumpster. "Please, this is from Marc Jacobs' new collection!" I stop him, "Wait." Then we let him take the jacket off and I grab it. Then Puck and Finn toss him in the dumpster.

Time skip to Spanish class with Mr.Schue

"¿Como esta usted?" We all repeat but then I just zone out because he has no idea what he's talking about half the time. As I'm walking out of class I see Santana, Brittany and Quinn walking down the hallway so I stop to talk to them. "How's it going ladies?"

"Hey Abby!" They all respond. You may be wondering how do I know these girls well for one Quinn is my brothers girlfriend so she's over a lot. As for Brittany she's hilarious and she always says something that makes me smile. Santana may seem like a bitch but she's really not so we talk a lot, we've hooked up a few times because I'm hot and she's hot too. As we walk down the hallway continuing a conversation about how glee club is being run by Mr.Schue. Once we pass the sign up sheet we see Rachel Berry get smacked with a slushee from Puck, I give him a high five when he passes by. We all go our separate ways because they've got Cheerios practice and I've got soccer practice. Yes I'm on the boys soccer team because their is no talented girls in Lima.

As the soccer team is practicing I see Mr.Schue going up to sit with Rachel on the bleachers creep much. I head to the girls locker room after practice and wash up then head home.

Once I'm home I see mom and go and hang out with her and do some homework till Finn gets home. The sound of the door opening means that Finn's home. He walks into the room and greets us. "Hey Finn and Quinn" I say just noticing Quinn standing behind him. "Hey Abbs" Finn says. Quinn just gives a little wave as a greeting. We talk for a little then they go upstairs to probably make out. I just head up to my room and just relax for the rest of the night.

The next day I'm at the school talking to Santana about how dumb this school is to think that glee club is going to be popular again. We go our separate ways and I head into the dance room that's empty because it's class time but I decided to skip. See no one knows that I can dance because it's my secret talent and I don't want to get bullied for loving the art of dance.

*Just imagine one person dancing*

Little did I know that there was a certain Spanish teacher outside the door watching me dancing. After a little while of dancing I go back to class when I'm called to Mr.Schues office. I walk in and see my brother in there we just look confused at each other. "So how long have you guys had a drug problem?" He asks as he pulls out a small pouch of the Chronic Lady. "I don't even know who the Chronic Lady is!" Finn exclaims. I just nod my head I would never take drugs it would mess with my soccer and athletics. "We'll pee in a cup" "Listen even just possession of this will end you in prison and you two could lose your scholarships" I just look at him shocked I had a scholarship already and I'm only in my sophomore year. "Look I'm running an after school detention so you could spend six weeks of it but it'll stay on your permanent record or you two could join glee club" Me and Finn look at each other knowing what we have to chose.

So here we are preforming the 'One that I want' from grease with Rachel and Finn taking lead.

Then Mercedes as I learned her name snapped about being a back up singer. That night me and Santana are at my house making out when she suddenly stops me. "Why are you in the glee club?" "Because Mr.Schue found drugs in my locker which I swear I'd never take because I care too much about soccer. Plus my other option was detention and that would be on my permanent record, I don't want to lose a scholarship if I have one." "Ok but you do know that means we can't hookup till you quit" "I get that but can we still cuddle and watch a movie?" I ask with a pout. She just smiles and nods her head.

I decided not to go to the other schools performance because I didn't care that much. But Finn came home with a bunch of paint balls on him and I just burst out laughing at him. The next day at glee and Mr.Schue is telling us that he's leaving and I just grab my bag and go to where the Cheerios are practicing to tell Santana the news. Once it's over I walk over to her and hug her whispering into her ear what had happened she just smiles and hugs me back. A few days later Finn and I are by his locker when Rachel comes by telling us that glee club is still happening. Then Santana and Quinn come by and I just look at them and smile at them. They ask what we're doing with her and Rachel answers science project. Once Santana starts to walk away I grab her arm and pull her into an empty classroom to make out.

Later that day Finn comes by to tell me that he's going back to glee club and I just nod my head and follow him and Artie who I had just noticed he was pushing and smelled like trash. We make it into the auditorium when Kurt says this is a closed rehearsal we just say that we want to be here. Finn starts assigning jobs to us for a performance. We all have red shirts and jeans for this performance of Don't Stop Believing

(Abby is next to Tina)

We finish and hear clapping and see Mr.Schue looking at us without realizing all the other people watching. "Good guys. It's a nine. We need a ten" then he starts commenting on people. I'm just happy that I made the right choice to come back even if it means me and Santana stop what we were doing.

The Better Hudson (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora