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Another week in Ohio woo

I'm in the hallway with Mike and Matt when I see Karofsky nail Finn with a slushy, "What the hell, Karofsky?" "Oh I've wanted to do that ever since fifth grade when you made fun of me for getting pubes. Now that you've joined Lullaby Lees and insperminated the Queen of the Chastity Ball, and dropped us below hockey dudes on the food chain, it's open season." "Screw you, Karofsky! You and your Neanderthal Puckheads are nothing!" "YOURE gonna pay for this dude!" "No I'm not. You two don't have the juice anymore. Welcome to the New World Order."

Time skip

"The slushy war has commenced." "And if Finn and Quinn got nailed, none of us are safe." I'm at the piano when I notice Brittany breathing on it and draw a smiley face. (She actually did this and I laugh every time) Mr.Schue comes in the room, "Okay guys, we're a little behind for sectionals, thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour, but you guys seem to really enjoy doing mash-ups right? And I'm gonna keep you guys fired up. Plus there's an important lesson to be learned with mash-ups. Sometimes things are so different, they don't feel like they go together. But the big difference between them is what makes them great, like chocolate and bacon." "Yummy, totally recommended by the way," I speak out. My brother speaks up, "Or Glee Club and football." "Exactly, but you've proven that is a great combination." "Um actually I think me and the other guys have. Sorry Finn but we haven't been slushied because of that." I include. Mr.Schue just ignores my comment and starts talking again, "So, here is my personal favorite song and your homework for the week is to find an unexpected mash-up to go with it." "Bust a Move," Kurt questions. "Yea this song is old school." "All right, um Artie?" Oh my god that's his name. Wow okay so Wheels is named Artie. "Yeah?" "Try to follow along on the bass. Finn, take us through it." "Uh, I'm sorry Mr.Schuester. I got corn syrup in my eye." "Okay, uh, Puck, how about it?" I look at him sitting next to Rachel, "I don't really grove on Young MC." Rachel says something but I've mastered the art of tuning her out.

(Skip to 22 seconds and Abby is Matt)

Time skip time

We're in the huddle at football practice. Finn starts telling us what we're doing, "All right, lets try, uh, reverse tear on two." Azimio speaks up, "Let's not." "Hey Azimio, I'm the quarterback... I call the plays." "Yeah well some of the guys were talking and we're starting to question your leadership ability." Another guy speaks up also, "Yeah like maybe you're having trouble making good choices, as for instance choosing to join Homo Explosion." "If you say another insult towards Glee Club I'll beat your ass," I threaten him. "Do I need to remind you that Glee Club helped us win our first game of the season?" "What have you done for me lately?" Azimio asks. "Yeah, we're taking a bunch of heat, because you like kissing died all of a sudden. You're not being a team player man." "Couldn't believe you were man enough to knock up Quinn Fabray. You sure a real man didn't sneak in there and do it for you?" I just look away knowing the truth and how dumb my brother is. "That's it!" My brother suddenly charged Azimio and tackled him. We all huddle around them, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Coach comes running over in his short shorts trying to break it up. "Hey calm down! Everybody! On the sidelines, take a knee. Now!" We all are on the sidelines, helmets off. Coach looks at Azimio, "What if you had broken Finn's arm, huh? We'd be worse off and more pathetic than we already are! Where's Puckerman?" I speak up, "Uh, he said he had to miss practice today. He's working on something for Glee Club." "What is he working on his "coming out of his closet" speech or something?" "Azimio so help me god, I will beat the shit out of you. Stop with the jokes." Coach and Matt who I was next to stops me from reaching over and beating him. "Football is war and no one single man can win that war, not even if they strap nukes on him. I want you to start acting like a team again! When we won that one game, it wasn't because we were dancing! It was because we were of singular purpose! I want you to start hanging more, spend more time together, which is why starting next week I am adding extra practice on Thursdays at 3:30." Me, Finn and Matt look at each other, "But Coach, that's when Glee rehearses." "You know what, I have had it up to here with Schuester and Glee. Here's the story quarterback, and the same goes for the other ones here who are in Glee and you tell Puckerman this when you see him. That practice is mandatory, no exceptions. So you're gonna have to choose what's more important to you, football or Glee Club." Me and Matt just look at each other worried about that ultimatum.

Time skippy

We're all in the choir room. "So any ideas for the mash-up? Anybody? Oh come on guys. It's like you're daring me to start dancing." "Please no," I say. Puck turns around, "I've been working on something." What? He has? "It's a more personal tribute to a musical Jewish icon.

When Puck said touching hands I took Santana's hand. She just giggles at my antics. Then goes back to her blank expression.

Time skip

Me, Mike and Matt are walking down the hall towards Glee. We don't care if it means getting slushied. We love Glee. We walk into the room and everyone is standing over by the clock. Santana and Brittany run towards us. I give Santana the biggest hug mumbling a Hi. Then I put my arm around her shoulder and we walked over to the group. "Good seeing you." A few seconds later Puck walks in and Rachel runs up to him. They talk then hug. "Where's Finn?" Artie asks. They look at me and I just shrug.

The next day I'm walking down the hall with Santana and Brittany when some random jock shows up in front of us. Then all of a sudden he tosses the red slushie at me. And let me tell you it burns. "What the hell is your problem?" I yell at the jock grabbing him by the collar. "You being in Homo Explosion is my problem." I just slam him up against the lockers and I'm about to punch him when he pushes me off him and runs away. Damn. I just stand there for a second and then the burn comes back to my eyes. I can feel myself being pulled into the bathroom by two people and I already know it's Santana and Brittany. They help me wash it out my hair and thank god I brought my hoodie.

Time skip

I'm on my own for once. And I'm walking towards the locker rooms where I know I'll find Coach. "Hey, Coach." "Abby." "Listen I know I chose Glee Club but I really want to be on the football team. I mean I'm the best running back you've got. And plus I'm a girl I got the advantage of being the only one on the team and scaring other teams. When they find out they got beat by a girl." "You know Hudson, your brother just came to me and asked if he could do both and I said sure. And I told him to tell you guys as well. But since you're here I'll tell you right now. Be ready for practice and show the boys how it's done." "Awesome thanks Coach." I walk out of the locker room extremely happy.

Time skip to Glee

"So what do you think about my welcome back gift to the club, huh, guys?" It's so much better to drink one instead of getting hit with one. "Thanks for the slushies, Finn. They're delicious." "And loaded with empty calories. You know why they call them slushies don't you? Because your butt looks like one of you have too many of them." "I'd like to propose a toast to Mr.Schue. You were right about Glee Club and football being a killer combination." We all cheer for that. "Mr.Schue I am sorry to report that we've all be remiss about completing our assignment this week." "Yeah none of us could find a good grove for "Bust a Move"." "And I personally feel like a failure." "Well that's okay guys, because I feel like the lesson landed and that's what's important. And we are glad to have you back, Finn. You okay, Quinn?" "Do I look okay? I'm devastated. Now that I'm off the Cheerios, I'll start every day with a slushie facial." "That's okay if that happens Quinn. Because there are 12 of your friends right here who are going to be more than happy to clean you off... oh mmm, brain freeze. I can't imagine getting hit in the kisser with one of these." We all look at each other knowingly. "You've never been hit by a slushie before Mr.Schue?" We all creep towards him. "Um... all right guys. We're a team. Bring it on. Give me your best shot." "One, two, three." We all throw it right at him. 

"All right from the top."

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