Special Education

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Another week
So I'm out of the sling and I'm not supposed to do much physical activity but I really don't care. So sectionals are this week. And I'm sitting in the choir room with my arm wrapped around Quinn. "Mr.Schuester, I have an announcement. I've selected the perfect moving ballad for Finn and I to sing to launch our performance at sectionals." I roll my eyes at her, she should really let someone else do a ballad. Such as me and Quinn. Schue stops her, "Me first. Two things. First, our competition at sectionals are your classical stool choirs. Great voices, but they don't move. Now, if we're gonna beat them, we need to do what they can't- dance. Which is why I've decided to feature Brittany and Abby Hudson's sweet moves in our performance." They all start to cheer for us and I lean my chair back and give Britt a big high five and Quinn kisses my cheek. "Wait, they're gonna dance in front of me while I sing my solo?" I roll my eyes once again at Rachel. "You're not getting a solo for this competition, Rachel." Mercedes speaks up, "Finally. So what song do I get to sing?" "I was thinking that the winners of our duets competition would take the leads." "Ken and brunette Barbie? Wait a-are you trying to throw this?" "See I haven't been here that long and I've never really had a problem with you, but now I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth." Rose says and I see Quinn nod her head in agreement. "Okay, listen. I have talked the talk about everyone in here feeling special for over a year now, but frankly, I haven't walked the walk. I mean, we have got a lot of talent here, and I'm gonna highlight it." I see Rachel nudge Finn and he starts talking, "Look, I'm all for pumping up the team, making everyone feel special, but that's for practice. You don't take the star quarterback out before the big game." I look at my brother, "Easy to say when you're the star quarterback." "This isn't just about me. This is about the team." "You are such a hypocrite." Santana tells my brother. "Like you even know what that means." "It means your boyfriend is full of crap, hobbit." "You know what? Ever since the wedding, you've been up my butt, and I'm sick of it." "Come on, Rachel. She's not worth it." "Shut up Finn. I wanna hear this." "Oh really? Cause that's not what you thought last year in that motel room. That right Yentl. Your sweetheart, he's been lying to you. Cause he and I totally got it on last year." Schue stops them before it could get worse, and I groan causing Schue to look at me. "Enough already! No more conversations about this or anything. This is our plan for sectionals, and that is that. Abby, Brittany, come on up. Let's start choreographing." Then we spend the rest of Glee doing exactly that.
Time skip
I walk into the choir room just to hear Brittany say something about throwing possums. Not gonna question it. Then Rachel walks in with tape over her mouth and I roll my eyes again because of Rachel. Schue looks at her confused, "Rachel, what are you doing?" She sighs then takes off the tape, "I'm not doing anything. You've silenced my talents. I'm merely protesting." Then she goes to cover her mouth back up. We all look at her to Schue then back to her. "My talents are wasted in this club. My star shines too bright, and I think you're threatened by it." Then Schue slams the papers on the piano. Shit. "Take it off! I'm tired of this, Rachel. You have a terrible attitude, you're a lousy sport, and it is not okay anymore." "Well, I'm upset. I'm furious about this. About a couple of things, actually." "I'm sorry you're disappointed. But you know you could also make the choice to be happy... that we're apart of a Glee Club bursting at the seems with talent. There's an awful lot of me talk going around. What's in it for me? What solo am I going to sing? Now when we go to sectionals, we're gonna be good sports. We'll cheer on The Hipsters. We'll cheer on Kurt and The Warblers. And if they win, we will congratulate them because that's who we are." Then Puck walks in, Artie is the first one to say something about it, "Dude where have you been?" Lauren Zizes stands next to him, "I found him in a Porta-Potty." Then Puck tells the story of him getting stuck in it and how Lauren saved him. "I have to say, she kinda rocked my world." I look towards Santana who kinda has/had a thing with him  and she has a disgusted look on her face. "Okay guys, um, well looks like we're back in business. Let's all welcome our new member, Miss Lauren Zizes." We all clap.
Short time skip
So I'm in the hallway just standing at my locker trying to think of what I need for my next class when Santana comes and stand right by my locker. "What can I help you with ma'am?" I ask her with a crappy Southern accent. She laughs and grabs my arm. I look at her suprised, then she pulls me down the hallway into the janitors closet. She immediately starts kissing me and I can't help but kiss back. Then the kiss gets pretty heated and I start kissing down her neck but then I suddenly remember Quinn is my girlfriend who I love very very much. I push myself off Santana and walk out the closet. (Haha) I shake my head as I turn around to face her again and I see her smirk as I'm walking away.
Time skip
We're all getting ready to go on the bus to sectionals. As we get on I go to sit with Quinn and lay my head on her shoulder, and fall asleep.
Quinn's POV
Once Abby fell asleep on my shoulder I look around the bus at everyone. Rose and Sam are together and very close. Aw cute. Then Puck and Lauren are together not what I'd expect. I notice that Artie and Brittany aren't sitting together that's weird aren't they dating, same goes for Finn and Rachel but we all know what happened there. Then I see Santana who is staring at Abby or at least in the space next to me I think. Why would she be staring at me girlfriend she has Puck right? Oh well all I know is that I've got the best girlfriend who would never cheat on me.
Time skip to the competition
Abby's POV
We walk in to watch The Hipsters perform. I've got on the guys outfit because as you know dresses are not my thing. I'm sitting in between Santana and Quinn this is not awkward at all. Haha note the sarcasm. Help me. Watching the old people perform was actually good and they were really cute. Then it's the Warblers time. They start off with Hey Soul Sister

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