Chapter 1

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"This is Nina calling in for Channel 5 News. Last night, this abandoned mall was the home for the murders of 23 year old Steven Halls and 21 Susie Minnow. Police aren't telling us much about the case, only that this is the fifth murder of a collection of murders now dubbed the Trussville Murders. More on this soon-" You shut the TV off. All this bad news was going to go to your brain and worsen your anxiety. You stood up from the couch and stretched. Another two murders? That's a lot of drama for your small town. Trussville was nothing compared to the size of the town next door, Hertzen. But, every reporter was flooding to your town to spread rumors of these homicides. You felt unlucky. Your mother barely trusted you to walk to school normally. Now, with this whole mess going on, you doubt you'll be able to walk pass the old roads to your way to the high school. This had to be the worse senior year.

"Oh well, I guess I should get ready." You walked upstairs to your room, sliding on your favorite band t-shirt and some old sweatpants. You looked at yourself in the mirror and brushed your hair to flatten against your head better. "There we go." All school ready. You grabbed your tattered, old backpack and walked out the door. You squinted at the sunlight through the trees. You weren't use to seeing sunlight, sitting up in your room all day watching YouTube. After your eyes adjusted, you started the long trail to school.

First past the graveyard. It was a very grim place, but it was nice to get some peace and quiet there. You liked to do the required reading on a bench nearby. It was nice, the dead don't bother you. Second is the burned down house. You could have sworn last year they tore the place down, but here it stood. It was a hazard to be in, the ceiling seeming two days from falling in. Third was the abandoned mall, but now it was covered with the police and investigators. The yellow tape separated yourself from the road. You saw the same news reporter from TV behind the trees of the side of the trail. You wondered if-

"Hey! Y/N!" Oh god, oh fuck. You turned to see Cynthia and her friends wave to you. You felt your body grow cold. You slowly made your way over to them. You wouldn't call Cynthia your 'friend' per say, but you and her were always together somehow. Classes, lunch, lockers, she was always with you.

"Hey Cynthia.." You smiled wearily at her. She twirled her blonde hair with her finger.

"You have my homework, right?" You took out her homework and handed it to her. "Thanks Y/N!" She smiled. She grabbed onto your hand and started pulling you towards the building. First period, math. You stared at your quiz paper. You had the formulas in your head, but was it y=mx+b or y=m+bx? Do you flip the last fraction in a division problem or keep it the same? Somehow, you barely finish the quiz before the class ends and begin to pack your stuff.

"Excuse me? Y/N?" Your teacher called. You walked over to him. "I see that you did Cynthia's homework again." You looked down to avoid the disappointment in his eyes. "You have to stop doing this. I have to give you and her a zero on this, it's school policy."

"But-" You began.

"I'm sorry Y/N. You know how it is." You sighed, finish packing your bags, and left the room. You walked over to your lockers and took out the charger for your Chromebook. Closing your locker, you turned to see.. Dean. He was talking to some other people in a group of 3. You stared at him for a little to long, cause soon he turns to look at you. He gave a small wave and went back to his group. Your heart was pounding. Dean seemed to be the only one who treated you like a person. You shook your head trying to get the romantic ideas out of you and went to English. You started working on the essay for class. Your essay was titled "Why the Protagonist has the same Mindset of a Serial Killer." Cynthia looked over at your paper.

"I don't think every time is one word," she commented loudly. You quickly deleted the word and typed it properly.

"Thanks Cynthia," you mumbled. She nodded and smiled towards you.

"No problem!" The class soon ended. You walked into the hallway with her, then she made eye contact with Dean. She glanced at him, then glanced at you. "Oh my god! You have a crush on him!"

"No I don't!" You said a little too fast. She grabbed your hands and jumped up and down.

"You should go tell him."


"We're going to talk to him right now!"


"Fine, I'LL go talk to him." She started leaping to him. You stood in absolute fear. You knew she was going to tell him. This was it. You started walking away at a fast pace. Maybe he won't-

"Hey? Y/N?" You rotated to face him.

"Ah.. Yes? Uh, Dean right?" You tried to fake it.

"Cynthia said something to me.. Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That you.." He tried to say the next part quietly, "like me?" You wanted to melt into a puddle and evaporate right where you stood.

"What? No of course not! I mean, not saying your unattractive or anything, but I don't see you in that light!" You quickly spat out.

"Oh good! You're not my type anyway, and between you and me," he pointed to Cynthia, "I really like Cynthia." You stood in place, feeling worse and worse by the second. Cynthia? Really? You faced towards her. She was laughing with some of Dean's friends. Your eyes started watering up.

"I'll uh, have to talk to you later Dean." He nodded.

"Yea, see you later," he grinned and turned back around. As soon as his back faced you, you bolted down the hallways. This was the WORST thing to EVER happen. Getting F's, Cynthia correctly you loudly, and your crush for years rejecting you horribly. You pushed the doors open at the front of the school and kept running. You heard some security call out to you, but you just kept running. You had to find somewhere to hide, somewhere no one would ever find you again so you rot and die. Your anxiety was twisting everything in your head. Cynthia planned this. Dean knew and was in on the joke. Everyone was laughing at you. You are a fool. Tears fell heavily from your face. Before you knew it, you crossed the yellow tape and ran down the road. The place was empty now, the bodies bagged and gone from the scene.

The mall. No one would find you in the mall. Everyone is afraid of it now. You entered the haunted building with a hole in the wall. You stopped to catch your breath. Life can't find you here. You started walking around. The place was a lot bigger on the inside, with two large floors lined with many small stores. You climbed an escalator and walked to a store at the very end of the floor. Footsteps made snapping sounds on the broken glass. For a second, you thought you heard something behind you, but when you looked back nothing was there. Finally, you were at the end of the path. The store was an old Bed, Bath, and Beyond. You saw some old soap samples, and picked some up. They smelled just the same as they would have the day they were made.

Something broke behind you. You quickly whipped around to see.. Something truly horrifying.

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