Chapter 4

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It was not even midnight before you felt a heavy weight on your chest. You tried to push it off, but it was cold and solid. You open your eyes to find.. Great. Sitting on your chest was Cartoon Cat, his large pupils staring down at you. The only way you made him out was from the moonlight flowing onto him.

"What are you doing?" You whispered. He kept his eyes on you.

"I got bored. You know how long I've been seeing the same thi-"

"Shut up! My mom could hear you! For fuck's sake whisper!" He groaned.

"As I was TRYING TO SAY," he whisper yelled, "do you know how long I've been stuck doing the same thing in that stupid mall?"

"I don't fucking know. You never told me." You had asked where he was from in the evening and he ignored it. How would you know how long he's been there? "Like, two weeks maybe? That's when the Trussville murders-"

"Trussville murders? Is that what it's dubbed it? You think they would give me a better title than Trussville murderer." Now it was your turn to groan. His ego must be huge. But, that really did beg the question, how long had he been cooped up in there?

"So how long WERE you in there?" He paused like he was counting the days. He mumbled something under his breath and responded.

"Too long. It gets dull fast. Same empty stores, same broken stairs, same dead dog-"



"What did you just say." He smirked a bit.

"I said same dead dog. Like two years ago I found a dog lying dead in the eating area. He must had been poisoned or something because there was vomit everywhere." Oh, what a great thing to picture at 11:30 pm. A dead dog lying in it's own vomit. You threw a pillow over your face.

"Can you just go away?" You said under it. "You weren't even invited this time."

"You left the sigil there. It's like you wanted this to happen." To be truthful, you did want to see him again. But not like this. Not during your beauty sleep.

"Listen here you overgrown kitten. I need to sleep at least seven hours a day to function. I can't hang out with you without being tired as fuck unless you let me sleep!" He just gazed down at you. You glared right back. He sighed and stood up. You turned over in your bed to face the window. You closed your eyes. The last few things you heard was something hitting the ceiling.

When you woke up, there was nothing out of place in your room. "Thank god," you murmured. You got out of bed and slid on some casual clothing. You put your phone in your pocket and walked out of your room.

"Honey, are you up this early? It's a Saturday, you know you can sleep in." It was weird for you. Normally you would stay in bed til 11:00 am or more, but today you had plans.

"I'm going out for a walk. I might be out for a long time since I have nothing better to do." You yelled into the living room as you placed some Pop-Tarts into your second pocket. The essentials.

"Just be back by 3. You know how I am when I'm worried. And bring some breakfast. AND YOU BETTER NOT BE SEEING A BOY!"

"I'm not going to see a boy! I'm just going for a walk!!" Does Cartoon Cat count as a boy? He wasn't really human, and you got the sense he didn't care what pronouns you called him. You stepped out of your house and began the walk. You came to the graveyard and only took a second to look it over. For some reason, the home of the dead made you a little happier today than normal. Maybe your mom would bury you here. The old, burned down house was next. Same old, same old. This might be the last day you see it, so you soak it all in for a minute. You left the house alone and continued on your journey. Before long, you made it to the mall. The crumbling place was the same as yesterday, but you felt a weird nostalgia for it. You sauntered in. You knew today was the day.

((hey guys! sorry for a short chapter, its usually 1000 words but this time is 700. a friend of mine came online halfway through this and i wanted to hang out with them ;;))

[PLAYFUL PREY] a cartoon cat x reader storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon