Chapter 3

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The first thing he did was hit his head on the ceiling.

"Ow! How small is this room?" You looked up at the ceiling.

"Like seven and a half feet? Maybe?" He took his hands to his head and moved it off his body, the neck stretching to connect the two. He dropped it on the ground.

"Much better," he purred. You stood there in shock. You guessed he was flexible but not like this.

"How did you-" you began.

"Don't worry about it," he finished. The cat began to move around your room, its head stationary and turning itself to look around. The body moved to the bed. "I haven't been on a bed this clean in ages. How do you keep it like this?"

"Uh, washing machine?" You realized that maybe he's been stuck in the mall a little too long.

"They don't make these beds like they use to," he laughed, "it's super cushioned."

"Thank you I think?" You began to get impatient. "So, when are we getting to the killing thing?"

"What is that?" The body moved to the computer desk. He sat on the chair and swiveled on it, twisting his neck a few times. 

"It's a computer-"

"A what? Never heard of them." You suddenly remembered where you've seen his inky body before. An old cartoon, what was the style named again? Rubber hose or something?

"Where did you come from exactly?" You questioned.

"I'm pushing the buttons but nothing's happening." Of course, dodging the question. To be fair, you two have known each other for about 7 hours now. And hopefully, not a long time after.

"I didn't summon you to my bedroom to lounge on my bed and tap my computer. We made a deal."

"Eh- I'm not in the mood for it now."

"Wha-WHAT?" After all the effort you went through, writing pagan symbols on your floorboards that your mom will eventually find, all this for NOTHING? You blinked your eyes, trying to process the situation. "Are you KIDDING ME?"

"I can't change my mood on a whim. Maybe tomorrow." He stopped touching the computer and turned to look at you. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Fulfill your promise!"

"I will.. Later. I never said when I'd do it." Damn it. Be careful what you wish for. You were steaming. How do you even get acrylics off the floor? You moved the rug on top of it.

"Then get out," you said glared at the inky monster. He laid back on the chair.

"You invited ME. I think I can stay as long as I want."

"I'll get my mom," you threatened, "she'll call the police!" His eyes widen a little bit, but then relaxed and grinned.

"Oh yea? Send me off somewhere? Looks like someone ruined my side of the promise. And, for your safety, you'll want to keep promises with me." You gulped, this wasn't a rational human you were talking to. This was a word twisting monster. Of course he'll want to mix the words to his advantage.

"Either way, you have to leave. My mom's gonna come up stairs soon. I'll be grounded because of you."

"I didn't ask you to come to my domain. You chose to come. Why did you end up there anyway?" You paused for a second. Was telling Cartoon Cat about your shitty day going to be used as blackmail?

"I have this toxic friend, Cynthia. She told my crush that I liked him. When he confronted me of course I lied and said I didn't like him. He then smiled and told me I 'wasn't his type' and confessed he liked Cynthia more than me." The head seemed to be listening. "So I ran away from school. I wanted to hide somewhere forever, so I went to the mall. I thought since the murders happened, no one would be there."

"And then begged me for death?" So he was listening. "You said you didn't want to hurt your mom, wouldn't going missing hurt her more?" He was right, you didn't really think it through.

"Shut up," was your only comeback. He chuckled.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave. You should stop by tomorrow, maybe we can finish this then." He slowly started melting up into the ceiling. You groaned and watched him leave. Soon after, you hear your mom call you. You went downstairs to the kitchen. There was very dangerous vibes in the air.

"I'm here," you said sitting down, "I'm ready to talk."

"I heard someone up in your room. Is that why you skipped school? To meet with a boy? Y/N I am very disappointed in you," here we go, "I worked two shifts at the hospital to pay for everything here. You know when your father died it was hard on both of us. I really need you to shape up. You need a good track record and good grades to get a good scholarship to help pay for your college. I'm trying the best I can to save up, but you and I both know it won't be enough." You sighed. Every time you got in trouble, which was rarely, you heard this speech again.

"Mom, there wasn't a guy in my bedroom, it was the computer. I only skipped this one time, I promise I won't do it again. Yes, I'm getting good grades-"

"Then how come you got a zero on your math homework today?" Did he really update INOW that fast?

"I just didn't turn it in. I promise I'll do it Monday." That was a lie, you couldn't redo something you already did, at least not for math.

"Fine, but you know the rules. I'm taking your computer and phone away. All you'll have is your books."

"That's okay with me."

"Good," your mom huffed, "now take a shower and go to your room." You moved like a zombie to the bathroom. The warm water helped you go through the motions in your head of the day: you met a murderous monster, made a pact with him, summoned him into your room, and then made him leave. It was.. Quite the experience. You left the shower and dried yourself off. This will effect the rest of your life most likely. You laughed. It was almost a good change. You'll have more things to do at least, other than sit on your laptop and scroll through hours of YouTube.

Feeling clean you leaped into bed. It was a chilly day, so being nice and warm under the covers was currently the greatest thing you ever felt. You were beaming. You wouldn't admit it, but there was a place in your heart almost excited to see Cartoon Cat again.

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