Chapter 9

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"What?" Cartoon Cat turned to you and soon the dog did as well. The dog gave a very confused look.

"Who is this?" He asked Cartoon Cat.

"Y/N meet dead dog, dead dog meet Y/N." What? Dead dog? Is this was he was referring to before when he mentioned a dead dog?

"Uh, hi dead dog?" You moved your eyes up to the top of him.

"It's Cartoon Dog. Nice to meet you Y/N!" He bent down and took out his hand. You look disoriented and took his.

"The pleasure is mine?" He chuckled and stood back up.

"It's nice seeing you make friends Cat. I was starting to get worried!" Cartoon Cat glanced around awkwardly.

"You don't need to be worried. I don't feel loneliness." That was straight up bullshit. He's implied before he was very alone before you came. But, that was not the war you wanted to pick.

"It's nice to meet you Cartoon Dog. CARTOON CAT!" Your vision snapped back to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! YOU SCARED THE WRONG FUCKING PERSON!!!" Your face was turning red. "NOW EVERYONE AT SCHOOL FUCKING HATES ME!! ALL BECAUSE I USED YOU TO GET REVENGE!" You were tearing up now. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!" You knew deep down it was yours. If you weren't so spiteful nothing would have happen. Cartoon Dog slowly walked into a shop to give you two room. Cartoon Cat first stood awkwardly, almost trying to figure out the next move. You rushed over to him and hugged him.

"It's all my fault." Your tears slipped down your face. "I should have been clearer. I lead myself to this, you were just an accessory."

"Wow." He said acting hurt, but after he realized jokes weren't what you needed right now. At first he just gawked at you. Then, he delicately bend down and wrapped his arms around you. " I'm sorry. I should have never agreed to this. It was stupid to let myself do that. I forgot how it could hurt you."

"No, no. I'm the one who asked you to do it. You were just trying to make me happy. I'm sorry Cartoon Cat. I brought you into me ruining my life." He hugged you tighter.

"It.. It's fine Y/N." He was bewildered by this situation. You felt yourself break down further.

"You should have killed me the day you met me.." You sobbed into his chest. He squeezed you tighter.

"Don't say that." He sounded firm, which only made you cry more.

"I'm sorry I'm just- you should have."

"I'm so glad I didn't," he whispered, "I'm so glad I decided not to." Seconds, minutes even, passed as you two just hung onto each other. You heard footsteps around the corner and Cartoon Cat quickly let go and stretched, as if trying to act normal. Cartoon Dog appeared and smiled.

"Is everything okay now?"

"Yes," you said with a sniffle, "I'm much better now."

"Well, good," Cartoon Dog let go of his breath to release the tension. "Sorry I got in the middle of something."

"It's fine," Cartoon Cat quickly said. "So, what should we do now." You gave an evil smile. You've put these thoughts at the back of your mind for years now, and it's finally time to go through with it.

"You know what? I don't think I'm going to let Cynthia win this one. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." The two animated characters looked at you with confusion. "Come here boys, I have an idea."

Cynthia must have been returning home from a party. You heard this party was to go on way past this time at night, but she had to return home to take care of her mom. She pulled her jacket into herself. It was a chilly night. She may had have some friends with her at the party, or maybe have hung out with no one. Her teeth chattered. It was a clear sky, the moon being her only guide, besides the spread out streetlights. Her mind must of been on getting home, as she didn't seem to stray far from the sidewalk. She glanced up and noticed a smudge under the next streetlight. After walking a bit closer, she noticed it was you under there. She muttered something to herself and walked across the street, hoping you didn't notice. But, you did. You crossed the street with her, waiting for her ahead. She groaned and walked up to you.

"What do you want, freak?"

"Hey Cynthia," you gave a wide smile, "I was just wondering if you would like a friend to walk you home?"

"We're not friends," she hissed, "and I don't need you to walk me home. I NEED you to get out of my life! You summoned some sort of weird demon thing to scare my mom! She could have died! Get out of my way." She stormed past you. You quicken your step to keep up.

"You don't know what dangerous things go on out here," you warned. She walked faster.

"What? You mean uglys like you? Do you have some hitman out there waiting for me?" She spun 180 degrees to face you. "I've helped you out your entire life. I gave you a friend! I gave you my care! I even tried to help set you up with your dream boy! YOU'RE the one whose been fucking it up!"

"ME? You think I'M the one who has been in the wrong this ENTIRE time? You really are a no-brain-blondey! YOU are the one who has been making my life a living hell! I only clung to you this long because I was afraid of being alone. You know what Dean said? He told me he doesn't love me because he loves YOU!" You were sweating with anger.

"Dean wouldn't have liked you if you tried to be a better person! You've been holding a grudge for too long and for no reason! And you know what? Dean asked me to prom! AND I said yes!" You grind your teeth. Okay, you tried to warn her for the hell she's about to go through.

"You want to see the friend I replaced you with, WELL HERE HE IS!" Cartoon Cat crept up behind you, towering over you and Cynthia. She was dumbstruck. She inched back, terrified. Cartoon Cat walked around you, making his way to her.

"You're- You're the one who was in my house.." Her confidence was gone. She turned around and started running away. She was, however, no match to Cartoon Cat's arm. He stretched it around her and tightened it, enclosing her like a snake. She was pulled towards you and him. He looked down at you, waiting for the command.

"I tried to tell you Cynthia. You don't know what dangerous things could be out here."

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