Chapter 6

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Darkness. All you see is darkness. You try to move your arms but they didn't feel like they existed. Suddenly, you're in your home, standing next to your bed. You looked down at your unconscious body. You looked so peaceful, you wondered if that's how you always looked. All the sudden you hear bones rattling coming up the stairs. You stand frozen in terror. You turned to the door and moved without thinking. You opened the door and let in a horse skull attached to a very long neck. You looked down the stairs but cannot see the end of it. The creature poured into your room, looping on itself and faced you.

"Hello," it said.

"H-Hello," you stuttered out.

"Do not be frightened," it began, " I am here to warn you. You've come across a vicious creature."

"Huh? Oh do you mean Cartoon Cat?"

"Yes, what name he chooses to be called now." What? He went by other names before? "He's a dangerous creature. You should have never gone to his domain."

"Should have told me that before." Your arrogance flared up.

"I wish I came sooner. I would have been here last night, but your dream was interrupted." Ah, yes you remembered being woken up in the middle of the night by him.

"Sorry, he's kinda of an ass. Why are you warning me? I already made a promise to him."

"This is what I'm weary of. He is not to be to be messed with. He has done some terrible things in the past, and there is no way of telling what horrible things he has planned for you." That was true. The murders were still fresh in people's mind. The room shook a little, things falling to the floor. "I'm sorry, I must go now." It reversed on itself undoing the twist and floating back down the stairs. "Do not trust him. He is more treacherous than what he appears." With that, the horse disappeared. The room began to crumble down. The walls teared down, exposing the pitch black beyond this room. You closed your eyes, balling yourself up and waiting for what must be the end of everything.

You woke up to the bright sun shining on your face. "What a stupid dream, I must have eaten something bad before I went to sleep." You pulled yourself up from your bed and put on some nice jeans and a clean t-shirt. You also packed a small notepad just in case things go south. Today was Cynthia's family BBQ. Your mom was friends with her mom, so you were forced to come. You sluggishly moved down the stairs and into the living room where your mom was waiting.

"Come on Y/N. There isn't much time." You were pushed out the door and into the car. She pulled out of the driveway and headed a few blocks down. In all honesty, you could have walked, but it felt better in the A/C car. Your mom pulled onto the side of the road and you both got out walking to the pristine house. It was white with a dark blue roofing. The perfect house for the perfect family. You entered into the backyard; Cynthia instantly saw you.

"Hey! Y/N! Over here!" Well, guess there's no hiding from this. You trudged over to her, her perky smile being the opposite of your drained frown. "We haven't talked in a while! Why did you run out of school that day?" Oh fuck, you didn't plan this question out.

"Uh, I had to throw up. I didn't want to use the bathroom because there was people in it. So, I guess outside." Please say she bought it. She gave you a look of doubt, but decided to let it go.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I hope you're better now."

"Much better, thanks."

"Anyway, I had this weird dream last night, I was on the top of Mt. Fuji, you know the vacation we had last year? Well I was all alone and suddenly these monkeys..." You zoned out of her story. You picked out the notepad and began doodling on it. Your thoughts returned to the long horse you saw last night. Was it truly a dream? Maybe it was your subconscious body warning you. Were you getting too close to the cat monster? He seemed nice to you enough, but he has a reputation of murder. Maybe he'll just scare away the next person. But, he did say he liked killing. When you came back to, you felt the notepad get heavier. Looking down on it, you saw that you've drawn the summoning circle. How did you even remember it?

"Hey, look it's Dean!" Cynthia pointed to him across the yard. You quickly closed the notepad, putting up a fake smile. The LAST person you wanted to meet was Dean. "Let's go say hi!" You looked back down at the pad and saw ink dripping from it.

"Uh, actually Cynthia I think I need the bathroom. Where was it again?"

"Huh? Oh, down the hall to the right." You quickly hurried into the house to hunt it down. You pressed the notepad tight to your chest as you ran. You felt the ink get all over your good t-shirt. Once you got into the bathroom you placed the notepad onto the floor. The ink grew in size more and more until a figure began to form.

"Wow, clean walls! Haven't seen that in a while." The form took the shape of Cartoon Cat. He was leaning down since he was a bit too tall for the bathroom.

"Why are you here?" You wanted to yell, but instead just said angrily.

"You summoned ME. Is this someone else's house? Just a hunch."

"Yes, this is CYNTHIA'S house."

"Why are you at Cynthia's house? Don't you hate her?" He turned to the sink and began twisting the nozzle, making water pour from the faucet. "Woah, flowing water! This must be a very privileged house!" You began thinking of ways to get rid of him. You took your notepad and slapped him with it. "Ow!"

"Get BACK in!! You shouldn't be here!" You growled.

"Well it's too late. I'm here now."

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