More random stuff I've said

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That hit right in the gayness!!!

Gahhh why can't I use emojis when I speak???!!! How am I supposed to say ✨No❤️🏳️‍🌈✨

(Reading for history class) I'd like to give this person a historical slap because that is simply ✨idiotic✨

-May I kill them?
-They've been dead for more than 100 years
-Oh yeah that haha
(Conversation with myself)

Sorry if I don't reply to you I don't hate you I just really don't like you, you have to earn my hate.

I'm just sleep drunk I'll be okay

She looks so peaceful. I'm gonna go annoy her.

Dogs are just cats with long ears and hamsters are just really tiny dogs so technically hamsters are cats.

Wow that's nice! Can I destroy it?

Yes, me be very gay

I am a dragon
And y'all are just jealous because I'm pocket size and you're not

My mom: are you ok?
Me (crying at 2:20am): I'll be fine but you know who isn't my favorite character who just died

I don't usually do this but I hate this teacher and she specifically said not to play among us in between clases so I'm gonna go do that

My thoughts are like the ocean they come and go but no one actually knows what's going on in there

I just suddenly got the urge to do dumb shit who wants to come with

Okay but like just hear me out "Musical chicken nuggets" (it later became the title of a playlist of songs that make me happy because it just makes sense)

- I told you so!!!!!!
- Dude we the same person
- Oh haha true but I still won pay up

God you are so PUREEEE, I must protect you with my life!!!!

So that's how I would look like if I were straight!!

And AHH the MEMES!!

Why is everything here so gay?
Oh yeah I made this

I bless you with my gayness

I've followed the gay agenda so much that I became the gay agenda

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