Imagine with me for a sec

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Ok pls don't hate me this is just something I always imagine while hearing this song sorry this isn't technically a quote

Imagine Biden and Trump
Biden (raises hand): I have a question (turns to Trump) it might seem strange
Fucking Cheeto ( confused af)
Biden (chuckles): how are your lungs? ( smirks trying not to laugh) are they in pain? (Chuckles)
Cheeto: huh? ( continues to wear his idiot face)
Biden: cause mine ain't aching, think I know why, I wore a fucking mask!, you wanna try?
Cheeto ( realizes)
Public: oh would you be so kind as to fall into a grave, you see I'm trying I know you know that I hate you and that's not enough so if you will please fucking die I think it's only fair there's gotta be some lil gay in there wanna share cause I hate you and that's not enough so if you will please fucking stop.

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