not a chapter

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Should I continue writing this? Should I just ship one thing?
Is Ratchet to girly?
I really don't know if I should keep this up, I don't feel that confident in my wrting style and this story. I'm proud of it cause this actually has a story in itself but should I continue writing this if not I will stop or just finish it then forget about it for years until someone looks at it and says lile "hm I should take a look at this" and then someone comments something and I would be like "wow I forgot about this years ago."

But yeah should I continue?
I would like to know if you like this story or what should I change...but yeah, (um I don't know)

I think I will still do it but if someone reads this note tell me if you like this story I try my hardest to make this. I put a lot of effort so don't come at me saying something really rude cause I am really anxious and feel pressured all the time.

So yeah that concludes it.

So tell me things I would like to know some thoughts and what I should do.

Please vote on this that kinda boosts my esteem and confidence that I am doing something right.


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