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What is perfect?

The dictionary says this, " 1. complete in all respects; without defect or omission; sound; flawless 2. in a condition of complete excellence, as in skill or quality; faultless; most excellent: sometimes used comparitivly 3. completely correct or accurate; exact; precise

That is way to complicated, so allow me to put this into my terms.

I say there are only two types of perfection. The one we all strive to be and the one we already are. So to me the definition of 'Perfect' is... 1. Something magazines and celebrities trick us into thinking they are; photoshop; a scam 2. Being yourself; always loving yourself no matter what; looking into the mirror and saying, " I don't need to change. "; always striving to be better but knowing you're already amazing

Dictionary, you are wrong. How can you make a word for something that doesn't exist?

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