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"I know exactly where he keeps them!" Emily announced.

Emily and Abby ran to my room. I chased after them. Alyssa followed laughing I know what she was going for. And I grabbed the shoebox before she could.

"C'mon. Pleeease. I thought you said you didn't care." Abby begged me.

"You can have a few. But I get to choose which ones." I said.

We all went to the dining room table and dumped out the shoebox.

"Okay, I need context for some of these." Alyssa insisted handing me some pictures.

I've known Emily since forever, but I've only known Alyssa since college.

"Well this was my emo phase, this was my Tony Hawk phase, and that one is when I decided that I wanted to be a male stripper. I was only 17 which is what is really fucked up. But I sadly still own that banana hammock for some reason too. I forgot to burn it."

"Oh, I remember that. You almost gave mama a heart attack when she saw you wearing that."

"And what about this one? Who's that guy?" Alyssa questioned.

I looked at the picture and my smile faded away. Emily looked over my shoulder.

"You still kept that? I thought you burnt everything of him." She implied.

"That's enough of looking at pictures. I don't want you taking any."

I cleaned up the mess and went back to my room and put the shoebox away. I took a deep breath before walking out.

"Abby, go home. You have school tomorrow."

"Okay. Talk to you later."

Abby then left. I went back to my room and sat on my bed looking down. Alyssa and Emily came in.

"Are you alright?" Alyssa asked.

"I just want to be left alone right now. I'm sorry." I replied.

When she eventually left I got on my laptop and looked at times that I could visit. I changed into jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers.

"Where are you going?" Emily asked me before I walked out.

I just looked at her and left. I couldn't tell her. She'd flip. I drove to the state prison. I walked to the front counter.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" The woman greeted.

"Hi. My name is Christopher Rose. And I'm here to visit Jeremy Parker." I said.

"Alright, I'll make a phone call. Just go through those doors."

I walked through the doors and had to go through security before I was brought to a room with booths.

I sat at a booth and waited. They then brought Jeremy in. His eyes brightened when he saw me.

He sat down on the other side. Only glass separating us while we talked through a phone.

"What are you doing here Chris?" He asked. There was slight excitement in his voice.

"I was going through pictures and I found this. So I wanted you to have it." I slid him the picture of him and I. He smiled.

"Damn dude. Thank you so much." He thanked. "So how have you been?"

"I've been pretty decent. I graduated college and am now a Mythology teacher at our old high school. Well... At least I think."

"That's good, congratulations. But what do you mean by I think?"

"Well I was stopping a fight and shoulder checked 2 kids today. Then Principle Brown told me that until further notice, to go home. So my jobs really on the line right now."

"Shit. Sorry about that. Has anything good happened? I haven't seen you in years."

"Oh yeah, how could I forget? God, I'm awful. I'm gonna be a father in about 9 months. My girlfriend is pregnant." His smile faded away.

"I love you Chris." He whispered before hanging up.

He crumbled the picture up and put it in his pocket. He then walked away. An officer following.

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