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"Don't ever try and contact us again! The only time we wish to see you is in a damn mental hospital!" Emily added.

I threw the papers on the ground and we stomped back out. We got back in the car. I put my head on the steering wheel and just screamed.

"AARRRG! WHY IS EVERYONE I'VE BEEN WITH AWFUL PEOPLE!?" I screamed. Jacob looked down. "You're the only exception." I then drove Jacob home.

"No. You obviously need someone to be with you tonight. And I want to be there for you." He insisted.

"I'll be there Jacob. Don't worry. He'll probably lock himself in his music room anyway. I promise you can come over tomorrow." Emily assured.

He sighed and got out. We went back home. I went into my room and pcked a suitcase of whatever I may need. Then went downstairs.

"You're seriously planning on staying down there that long?" She implied trying to hide her humorous tone.

I didn't answer. I just locked myself in my music room.

I turned on some music and sat at the desk then got on my laptop. To see if I happened to miss emails. Mrs Marriott apparently emailed me.

Dear Christopher,
Homecoming is coming up next week, and I'm in charge of the musical performance. I remember when you were in high school you and Jeremy Parker would always play music together. And we'd love for you two to come back and play electric guitar for the school, just like you guys did in your senior year.
-Susan Marriott

I sighed. God. I wish I could do that with Jeremy. I have to email her back though.

Dear Mrs. Marriott,
I'd love more than ever to play music with Jeremy again, but that is sadly impossible to do. For I've only seen him once within the last four years, which was on Wednesday actually. He is serving 20 years; a life sentence in prison at the moment. He did things that I feel like should rather be said in person, of course only if you want to know. But I'm more than happy to play for the school again.
-Christopher Rose

I then sent it and closed my lap top. I hated thinking about how we used to play music together. I then sat at the keyboard and played The Sound of Silence. I have a keyboard and not a piano because piano's are expensive.

I ended up just playing different instruments all night until I eventually passed out sitting on one of the beanbags. I used empty water bottles as a bathroom so I wouldn't have to come out.

I woke up the next morning to a knocking on the door.

"Chris. Can I please come in? You don't have to come out. I just want to come in and talk to you." Emily insisted.

I sighed and unlocked the door. I then sat back on one of the beanbags. She came in and sat in the desk chair. She looked around and sat the bottles.

"That's absolutely disgusting." She said.

"Just because you're jealous that you can't do it doesn't mean you can judge someone who can." I replied. "Anyway, what do you want?

"I just want to talk. I don't like you being sad and alone. So I'm gonna stay down here and talk. You have no choice." She declared. "And also because we haven't been the same lately. We don't talk or just hang out as much."

"Fine." I gave in. There was no way of getting out of this.

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