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Later on during my break Mrs. Marriott came into my classroom.

"Hi Mrs. Marriott. How are you doing?" I greeted. I knew what this was about.

"I didn't have a chance to respond to your email, cause I had no clue what to say. W-what happened to Jeremy? Why is he in prison, and a life sentence?" I took a deep breath.

"Well when we were 18 I went off the college, while he stayed here since he didn't get into any college. He had many mental disorders, and on top of that he was apparently being abused in godawful ways daily by his parents and uncle. Til one day he apparently had enough... And he decided to kill them." Her eyes widened.

"But he was such a cheerful young man. He showed no signs of abuse or anything. Why didn't he tell anyone?"

"I don't know why. I honestly beat myself up because of it." I admitted. "I saw him for the first time on Wednesday since he got locked up. And it was horrible seeing him in that way."

"Well I'm baffled. I had no idea. But thank you for telling me. Wow."

"Yeah. It was a shock to everyone."

Soon after she left Mr. Moore came in. Holy shit. Can I ever get any alone time?

"Hey Chris. I just wanted to check in and ask if your girlfriend's baby crazy yet?" He asked. I looked down.

"About that... A lot had happened within the last week..." I sighed.

"Oh? What's wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?"

He sat down. He's been one of the few teachers who I've always trusted. So I really had no problem talking to him about this.

"Well I finally came out as gay and stopped trying to make myself not gay and got away from a lifestyle I didn't want." I began.

"Well good for you. I'm proud."

"And only not even a day after I broke up with my girlfriend, telling her that I'm gay and it wouldn't be fun for either of us if we stay together. She goes and gets an abortion without informing me. Then played it off as a miscarriage."

"Holy shit. That's horrible." He gasped.

"Trust me. I didn't take it well. But the more that I think about it. Maybe it's for the better. Nobody who dies shit like that should have a child. It's horrific and disgusting."

He agreed with me. I just wanted to change the subject by then.

"But I'm playing guitar for the homecoming on Friday like I did in Senior year. I'm planning on dressing the same too."

"That's great. Is Jeremy gonna play guitar again too?"

"We would play together. Except he's been in prison for 3rd degree murder of 3 people since we were 18. So..."

"Woah. I-... Dear lord..."

"Yeah. Tell me about it."

"Well if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me."

He soon left. My class phone began to ring. I got up.

"Mr. Rose speaking." I answered it.

"Hi Chris, it's Mrs. Marriott again. I'm sorry about last minute, but can you please stay after school today and help me and some other students out with the music part of the Homecoming? And maybe have your eletric guitar with you? You know more about music than me."

"Of course I can. I have time to run home and get it real fast. Do you have an amp, or do I need to bring one?"

"Thank you so much. And yes we do have an amp." She thanked.

I hung up and ran out. I drove home and grabbed Frankie; one of my favorites of 22 electric guitars.

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