Chapter 2: The Interview

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"Damn... Beacon's much bigger than Signal." I say to myself, overlooking the school from an airbus. I open my scroll and text Ozpin. 

"Landing at Beacon." I pocket my scroll and the airbus lands. I walk off and down the empty courtyard and through the doors of Beacon. After some mostly aimless wandering, I find the elevator to Ozpin's office and go up. I open my scroll again, and I see a text from Tai. I unlock my scroll and open it.

"Since when are you teaching at Beacon?" 

"Not official yet going in for interview." 

"It's weird you'd get a job after only a year." 

"You mean ill advised." 


"It is. It would've been smarter to give someone like you or Qrow the job." 

"Not Qrow you'd have to moderate his tests so they all didn't fail." 

"Guess your right." 

"Good luck." 

"Yup." I close my scroll. The elevator reaches the top and the doors open. I see Ozpin behind his desk and a blonde woman sitting crossed legged on top of it. 

"Hey, Beacon is closed to students right now!" The blonde yells, getting up. 

"This isn't any student, Goodwitch. This is the new professor I wish to hire." He said this and she just stared at him for a bit. 

"This a joke, right?" 

"Not a funny one." I say, walking out of the elevator. Goodwitch just stares at me for a moment. 

"You HAVE to be kidding!" 

"It's no joke, I want him here." 

"Ugh! Just... do the interview!" Goodwitch takes a seat behind the desk of to the side, pulling out a pad and pen while mumbling. 

"Don't mind her."

"Sure, let's just get this done." I take a chair that was on the opposite side of him. 

"Now, I have to start with your past."

"What about it?" 

"Your history with the Atlesian Military." 


"Yes, really. So, you began your service at the age of 15 as a tactician?" 


"Can you tell me a bit about it?" 

"Well, I was to young to actually fight, so I worked unofficially as a tactician specializing in raids." 

"A strange skill set for a boy." 

"Well, I was kinda born for it, semblance and all." 

"Of course. Moving on, you became an actual soldier at 16?" 

"16 is the legal age to join up, so yes." 

"You served beside Specialist Winter Schnee, correct?" 

"As apart of Bravo, yes." 

"Then you were transferred to Striker, if I read it right." 

"After an unfortunate accident, they had to refill the squad. I was assigned as a lieutenant, but the commander was KIA after a single mission." 

"Then you left after a seemingly successful raid on a White Fang camp, why?" 

"It was successful... but I sure as hell don't think it was done right." 

"And what does that mean?" 

"Something I don't plan on telling you." 

"Very well..." Ozpin clears his throat. "You then became a teacher at Signal where you taught a brand new class about tactics." 

"And now I'm here." 

"Yes, indeed. Now, for a few other things. You seem to be well connected, because at some point you, Specialist Winter, and General Ironwood served as bodyguards for the Schnee family at one point." 

"At that point I was commander of Striker, and Winter thought I was a good person to guard Weiss Schnee, something about being her age." 

"Well, I thought I'd inform you that Ms. Schnee is attending Beacon this year." 

"Really? Why not Atlas Academy?" 

"Something personal, my guess is." 

"Anyone else I should know about?" 

"Well, you already know that some Signal students are attending." 


"And that's all I can think of, off the top of my head. But back to it. Records show you have something of a burning hatred towards the White Fang." 

"Can't overstate it." 

"Can I ask why?" 

"No." This confused the two. 

"Oh, I see. Now, just some other general questions, and then Glynda here will run you through some basic medical tests. Got it?" 

"Got it." 

About an hour later 

"Well, that'll do it for you, Mr. Colt." Glynda said, putting her pen and pad away. 

"I can leave, right?" 

"Yes, you may. Be safe." 

"Same goes for you." I walk to the elevator, and the doors shut behind me. 

Goodwitch PoV

"So, how'd he do on the medical exams?" 

"Well, physically, he's perfectly healthy. But it's his mental health test that concerns me." Ozpin raises his eyebrow.

"And what does that mean?" 

"Even at a glance at my notes, I can tell something's wrong. I'm no doctor, so I can't make any diagnoses, but I don't see him being able to run a class." 

"If that is the case, it's all the more reason to give him this job." 

"I don't think you understand what I just said." 

"No, I do. If he is unstable, the best way we can help him is make everything around him stable as can be." 

"I worry, Ozpin. To do what a soldier does when the mind is still developing... that can damage a person severely." 

"I know. So that's why I know we have to give him this job. I think a memento of the time before his service is crucial."

"And what is this 'memento,' as you call it." 

"I know more about him than he knows. One of the new students, is that memento." 

"Who is it?" 

"A girl named Blake Belladonna." 

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