Wrapped around your finger.

195 11 0

(your birth date), 2000

"Holy shit...this is real." Tony said, staring at you through the hospital window. Turns out not all women are telling the truth when they say they're on the pill. You were the result of one of those.  And now, you were here, your mother darted from the hospital at first chance, leaving the genius to decide what to do with you. Up until about an hour ago, he didn't even know you existed. 

He was given two options: raise you himself, or throw you into the foster care system. He walked into the hospital this morning fully intending on taking the latter, but one look at you and that seemed impossible. 

"Pep, I have to keep her." He said, tearing up. Him and Pepper weren't a thing yet, but he definitely wouldn't mind if they were. 

"She's beautiful, Tony" She replied.

"I don't know how I could ever live knowing that I sent her away, I mean look at her, she's undeniably a Stark....But she's going to need a Mom...." He said, hoping Pepper would pick up on his suggestion. 

She was about to reply when they were interrupted by a nurse walking in their direction.

"Mr. Stark, the mother already named her, we just need you to sign off on a few papers and you'll be on your way. Congratulations."

Tony was barely listening. All he could focus on was the sleeping baby in the nurse's arms. 

He was snapped to reality by Pepper tapping him. "What's the name?" She asked, turning to the nurse.

"y/n" The nurse replied. The sides of Tony's mouth began to form a smile as he took you into his arms for the first time. 

"y/n Stark." He said with a grin. "You're gonna break some hearts, kid."

The nurse began down the hall, Pepper followed and came back a few minutes later, but stopped as soon as she saw her boss sitting, teary-eyed, admiring you. She smiled and walked over, sitting next to him and showing him where to sign. 


You and the people that you would soon call family arrived at the tower, spotting a slightly stressed Happy Hogan and Rhodey attempting to organize your move-in. 

"Get the crib moving! You aren't being paid to sit on your ass!" Happy fussed. 

"My Grandma could lift that better!" Rhodey chimed in.

"Shhhh! She's sleeping!" Tony whisper-yelled at his best friends, pointing at you.

The pair turned around and their faces instantly softened upon seeing a proud dad and his newly born daughter. 

You had only been on earth for a few hours, but already had these four wrapped around your finger. 

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