Hella close.

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Once I figured that sleeping would be useless, I went down to R&D, did I know what I would work on? Nope. Did I care? also no. Just needed to distract myself. 

I began tinkering with one of Dad's prototypes for a new arc reactor when the door flung open. 

"Kid, get some shoes, let's go." My dad said, all in one breath. 

"Why? is everything okay? I asked, throwing on some uggs. Basic choice, but it was cold outside. 

"Happy's hurt." 

What? No. Happy is supposed to be the one who ever gets hurt. He's the one that I can know to be there when everyone else can't be. He's always the one I go to when everyone else is hurt. 

We sped to the hospital and rushed in. 

"Hogan." I said to the lady at the front desk.  She stood up and escorted us to his room. My dad walked in and sat down but I just stood in the doorway, unable to move. He was hurt. 

I felt tears begin to form and quickly wiped them away, taking a seat by my dad. 

We sat there for God knows how long. He was asleep the entire time, a tube down his throat, his head patched up, blood dried to his face. 

Eventually, a nurse came in and me and my dad stood up. 

My dad said something about Downton Abbey, but I wasn't really listening. 

As we walked out, I turned around and saw how sorry the nurse looked. 

"Make sure everyone wears there badges, it's a pet peeve of his." I said, trying not to cry. 


As we walked out of the hospital, a swarm of reporters were waiting for my dad at the exit. 

We pushed through them, following the rules I've known since I was a child: head down, no eye contact, don't answer them, blank expression, don't stop.

One particularly ballsy reporter shoved a phone in my dad's face trying to record him. 

"Hey Mr. Stark, when is someone gonna kill this guy? Just sayin" 

Silence fell. my dad faced the camera, holding onto my arm and pulling me behind him. 

"Is that what you want? Here's a little holiday greeting, I've been meaning to send to the Mandarin."- oh yeah, there was a major terrorist issue going on right now, not to mention. 

"I just didn't know how to phrase it until now" My dad continued, "My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward. So I've decided that you just died, pal. I'm gonna come get the body. There's no politics here, just good ole' fashioned revenge. There's no pentagon, just you and me. And in the off chance that you're a man, here's my home address: 10880 Malibu point, 90265. I'll leave the door unlocked."

He took the phone from the reporter. "That's what you wanted, right?" He chucked the phone at a wall and pushed me into the car, him following. Reporters tried getting their mics into the car, but we managed to drive off, not hitting anyone. 


I went straight to my room, terrified. Terrorists had our address, it was kind of public knowledge, but still. I figured Dad was in the lab, prepping for some war that he inflicted-well they inflicted. 

I took a shower to clam myself down, and tried taking a nap. I hadn't really slept at all last night, so I took advantage of my exhaustion. 

A few hours into probably the best nap I've ever had, I heard the sound of leather hitting tile. 

I ran down and saw a brunette women, my dad, his suit, and Pepper holding some bags. 

"Who's this?" I asked, looking at the woman. 

"I met your dad back sometime around 2000, old partners." She said, non chalantly. 

"Oh my god. Please say you aren't my birth mom." I said, feeling queasy. 

"No! Partners as In botany partners, and c'mon, like I would let that witch in here."my dad half-joked.

Relief fell over me and I un-tensed slightly. 

Pepper marched down the steps, holding a few more bags. "Sorry, with Happy in the hospital and all, I didn't know we were expecting guests, and old girlfriends." she said. 

I was trying to read a the situation when something caught my ear.

"We're going out of town."Pepper demanded. 

"what?" Dad was already opposed. They bickered a little, the brunette agreed, frankly, I did too. Doesn't mean I want to, and given the option, doesn't mean I'll take it. But it was the safe thing to do. 

Me and the other lady realized something in unison. My house was on the TV. 

"Do we need to worry about that?" The lady asked, clearly concerned. 

I hadn't even noticed the missile headed directly at my home, but it was hella close. 

Within seconds, glass was everywhere, the lady was on the floor, and I was encased in a metal suit. I sat up and looked around, Pepper had one on too, the lady was unconscious, helicopters were on their way, and the ceiling was cracking, Great. Before anything could hit my dad, Pepper moved over him, blocked him from any debris. 

I tried standing, but was far too dizzy for that. "JARVIS?" I asked, hoping the AI wasn't damaged. 

"Yes ma'am" He replied. Phew. 

"I'm kind of dizzy, can you make sure I don't fall?" 

"MOVE!" My dad yelled, coming up from behind the couch. The floor caved in, leaving me and Pepper near the exit, but Dad was stranded on the other side. 

He looked at Pepper, who was froze. 

"Stop stopping, get her and go outside." He said, completely serious. 

I still couldn't move, I tried to but I think I was paralyzed from shock. 

"GO!" Dad yelled, snapping my out of freeze mode, and into fight or flight.

Thank god I knew how to work this suit, Pepper didn't. Her and the lady escaped...with some struggle. 

The last thing I remember was the house crumbled, Pepper was screaming, and the world was spinning. 

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