Silly night

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After the craziness known as today's press conference, you all ended up going home, after what felt like hours of waiting. 

Your dad went to take a shower, Pepper was cooking, and you were in your room, just thinking.

"Knock knock!" Your dad said in a sing song voice, walking into your room. He plopped down next to you, on the floor. 

"What's going on in that brain?" He asked, pointing at your head.

"So much." You started. "Like, first, the thing in your chest, I know something is in there, I felt it. Second, how are you even alive? It's been months. Is it the circle? Third, something happened earlier, I don't know what it was." You said. 

"Well to answer those, the circle is an arc reactor, you know what that is, you helped me build one. You're right, it is the reason I'm still alive. But what thing happened earlier?" He asked, confused. 

"I don't know, I couldn't breathe, and Uncle Happy said I was shaking. It was weird, everything was spinning." You explained. 

"You get that from me." He said, with a grin. "You'll get used to that feeling, kid, sometimes when you're too smart, you think too fast for your heart to handle." He replied. "Anything exciting happen while I was away?"

"I finished the robot." You said, still figuring out the weird thing from earlier. 

"Whaaaat? You finished it without me?" He said, fake-offended.

"Well, you took your time coming home, and built a whole new thing without me!" You said, giggling.

"Oh, you mean this?" He pointed to the reactor.

"Yeah, but my thing is a lot cooler than yours." You said grinning. 

"Guess I should be the judge of that." He said standing up.

You walked to the lab and showed off your project. 

Your dad traced his fingers over the hand-written label on the front that read "SMART-E" and smiled. He messed around with your creation and after a few suspenseful minutes, he looked up at you.

"This is pretty amazing, kid. I'm impressed." He said, making you smile.

"Your turn!" You said, pointing at his chest. 


You and him messed around with the arc reactor for a little while until you noticed something wrong. 

"Dad, there's an exposed wire" You said, concerned.

"No biggie." He said turning the intercom on. "Pepper, how big are your hands?"

"what?" You heard from the speaker.

Pepper came down and saw Dad laying on a table with a hole in his stomach and you looking pretty caught off-guard. 

She rushed over and your dad talked her through how to fix it. You watched, holding your breath until your dad began to panic. He talked her through how to fix it and you exhaled as soon as it was out. 

"Now that that's over, silly night?" Your dad asked, causing a smile to spread across your face.


It was now probably 3 am, you and your dad were dancing on the kitchen counters, wearing super expensive sunglasses and  funny costumes, singing "Back in Black" with spatulas for microphones. 

Pepper was recording the whole thing and laughing hysterically the entire time. Happy and Rhodey also came over, to celebrate his return and were on the couch, watching the mini concert in front of them. 

This was your family and you loved every bit of it. 

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