Cut the wire.

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Your alarm blared and you shot up, turning it off. You threw on some leggings, a t shirt, and AF1's, which you had laid out on your bed the night prior. You threw your hair up, brushed your teeth, and went out to the jet. 


The ride itself was pretty uneventful, you and your dad studied the Tesseract on the way there, gathering as much information as possible. 

The jet landed on the helecarrier, you and your dad got off and were introduced and given a tour. 

Afterwards, you went into the lab, and within minutes, your dad ran in. 

"Kid, I'll be back soon, the smurf cube was just spotted, okay? Love you." He gave you a quick kiss on the head and rushed out. 

You decided not to think about it too much,  instead you went around meeting the other scientists and agents, discussing what you could do, etc. etc. 

After working for a while, you decided to explore the rest of the facility. You entered a large room, and saw a man with an eye patch and another man in a glass tank. 

"Well let me know if real power wants a magazine or something" The eye patch man said, walking out. He nearly bumped into you. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I was just looking around." You said, quickly, you were slightly jumpy, this guy was intimidating to say the least.

"Can't say I've seen you here before." The man said. "Who are you?"

"I'm just here for back up, nothing major...what's you name?" You responded, quickly.

"You didn't answer my question, squirrely."

"y/n Stark. What about you, pirate?" You asked. 

"Stark." He repeated, furrowing his brows. "You don't seem like a Stark. You're not....arrogant." He said, questioningly. 

"I have no reason to be, I like proving people's low expectations wrong. Don't come off strong, but prove that you are." You snapped back.

"And why is that?" The man asked.

"Keeps 'em guessing" You said with a shrug. 

"Hmm, I like you." He said simply and walked away. 


You continued exploring until you heard your father's voice. You followed that sound until you reached a conference room.  You stood in the doorway for a few minutes.

Your dad was explaining some of the science behind the tesseract. 

"When did you become an expert on thermonuclear astrophysics?"" A lady asked. 

"Last night." You chimed in. "He didn't know any of this until about 12 hours ago, I had to be a tutor in the jet." You said, walking in. 

"Oh, that's my kid.", your dad said, "She has a Stark brain but is a little bit more level headed. She's backup" You took a seat and listened to the team discuss a plan.

"Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?" Steve asked.

"He's got to heat the cube to a hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier." Dr. Banner replied.

Your dad thought for a second before speaking. "Unless, Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect." 

"But, if he could do that, he could achieve Heavy Ion Fusion at any reactor on the planet." You said. 

"Stark, your kid's got a good brain. How old is she?" Dr. Banner asked. 

"Thanks, made it myself. She's 13." Your dad replied. 

"Wow." Steve said, sounding pretty shocked. 

You, your dad, and Bruce tried to explain everything in simpler terms to the rest of the room, it didn't work. Eventually, you all decided to get some rest.


The next day didn't come with many breakthroughs, which was frustrating. You didn't mind though. You got to spend all day working with a role model of yours ever since you were a child. 

"Banner, you should come to Stark Towers sometime. Top ten floors, all R&D. You'd love it, it's candy land, and y/n might die from fangirl overload." Your dad said, making you laugh.

"Thanks, but the last time I was in New York I kind of broke...Harlem." Dr.Banner responded, sadly. 

The three of you continued to study the scepter when your dad broke the silence. 

"y/n, come see, I want to test something." You walked over to him, confused. Suddenly, you felt a sharp burning needle-like pain in your arm.

"Dammit!" You yelped. He had poked you with an electric rod. 

Steve barged in and he and your dad got into it. You looked at Banner who seemed pretty stressed out, which couldn't be good for a man with the ability to turn into the Hulk.

"Okay, on that note, goodnight, ladies." You said, walking to where you were staying. Avoiding conflict seemed to be a good move.


The next few days remained to have no real breakthroughs, but tensions were running high, and shit was going to hit the fan soon. 

You, and the other two scientists were still at work, dissecting how the tesseract works, with little to no reward. You had been so focused on what seemed to be a potential "eureka" moment, that you hadn't even noticed Thor walk into the room. Fury, Dad, Banner, Thor, and Cap were all arguing, and feeding into it would probably be the worst thing to do, anyways. 

"Big man, in a suit of armor, take that off and what are you?" Steve asked. This caught your attention, causing you to shoot up and actually pay attention to the chaos in front of you. 

You already knew what your dad was going to say before he said it. 

"Genuis, Billionare, playboy, philanthropist." Your dad replied, you mouthing his words in sync with him. 

"I know guys with none of that worth 10 of you. I also knew Howard Stark. Same cocky attitude, must run in the family." Steve snapped back.

You were shocked. He directed that at both you and your dad. You hadn't even contributed to this conversation. 

"With all due respect, sir." You began "I have no part in this conversation, I would prefer to keep it that way." You said, slightly hurt. 

Steve ignored your request. "The only thing you guys really fight for is yourselves. You're not the ones to make a sacrifice play, to lay down on the wire and let the other guy crawl over you." He said. 

Your dad was about to speak but you put your hand up, signaling for him to let you handle it.

"I would just cut the wire" You replied with a hint of arrogance in your tone. Normally, you would respect the Captain, but he was just being rude right now. 

Tony smiled proudly. He taught you well. You looked at Fury, who nodded, and seemed to understand what you said earlier.

"Always a way out-" Steve began.

"I really hope that you aren't insulting both of us. Go at me, whatever. But that's my kid. She's a better person than you and I will every be, you already were rude to her, so don't act shocked when she doesn't give an answer you don't want. She's right, you don't have to die to be a hero, cap." Your dad sneered. 

Steve opened his mouth but was cut off by Fury.

"Cap, I'm not Stark senior's biggest fan, but don't go after junior, alright? Everyone go to bed or something, this is ridiculous" Nick said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

This mission would be interesting. 

Having it all ain't everything.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon