Thanks, JARVIS

135 9 1

March, 2008

"I'm gonna miss you." You cried into your Dad's leg. It was probably a pretty expensive pair of pants, but that wasn't a concern to your 8 year old-self. 

Your dad picked you up and gave you a hug. "This one is a short one, I promise. A week-tops. Be good for Potts, okay? And try not to give uncle Happy a heart attack. Okie dokie?" Your dad said, holding you as close as possible. He hated leaving. Ever since the first time he held you, you were the best part of every day. 

"Okie dokie..." You said, sighing. "But can we get cheeseburgers when you get back?" You asked.

"Is that even a question?" He asked, chuckling. "Guess what else we can do." He said, in a low whisper.

"What?" You whispered back, excitement showing in your eyes.

"We can finish that robot you've been building" He replied. You were working on your own version of DUM-E, pretty impressive for an 8 year old, but you were a Stark, after all. 

"Okay!" Bye dad! See you later!" You said excitedly.

"Alright Kiddo, see you Thursday." He said, getting into the car. 


You and Happy sat at the coffee table, in your fifth game of chess. You had won every time, but insisted that you keep going. His face dropped as you said "checkmate!", with a cocky grin plastered across your face. The resemblance between you and your dad was uncanny. That's probably why the usually grumpy man developed a soft spot for you. 

"You know what happens to little girls who can't stop winning?" He asked, getting up.

"what?" You replied. 

"The tickle monster gets them!" He exclaimed, running towards you.

You jumped up and he chased you around for what felt like forever, the two of you laughing hysterically, until you were interrupted. 

"Miss y/n" JARVIS asked.

"Yeah?" You asked, with a confused tone. Normally, your conversations with JARVIS only consisted of you asking a million questions, so him initiating the conversation was strange.

"Ms. Potts is requesting to see you in her room." He said, calmly.

"Um...okay." You replied, now even more confused. Why couldn't Pepper just come out and see you? Why in her room? You only went in her room when you had a bad dream and your dad wasn't home. 

You looked over at Happy, hoping he had answers, but he looked just as lost as you. 

You quickly walked to Pepper's room. She had puffy eyes and a red nose, her cheeks reflected tear streaks. She quickly wiped her face and patted the bed, motioning for you to sit. 

"What's wrong?" You asked, climbing next to her. 

"Your Dad got into a little bit of trouble." She said, shakily.

"What happened?" You asked, concern coming through in your voice. 

"Well, he's kind of like playing hide and seek right now." She said, wiping her tears.

"Pepper, I'm eight years old. You can tell me. I'm not seven anymore." You replied in a very matter-of-fact tone. 

"God, you're just like him." She said, giggling. She found her composure, took a deep breath, and continued, "Some bad guys found him and they kidnapped him" 

You felt tears begin to form in your eyes but refused to let them fall. You may be young, but showing emotion was never your thing. Nothing personal, but always being in the public eye teaches you a few things.

Pepper noticed your expression and wiped the tears that were threatening to spill. She pulled you in for a hug and you sobbed into her shoulder. Eventually, you pulled yourself together and went to your room, avoiding another show of emotion.

"JARVIS?" You asked, laying on your bed, looking up at the ceiling. 

"Yes ma'am?" He replied. 

"Is dad gonna come home?", you asked. JARVIS always knew the answers to your questions, so maybe this would help. 

"I don't know, miss. But, Mr. Stark is quite intelligent, and he definitely misses you." The AI replied. 

"Thanks JARVIS..." You said, feeling the tears form again. You laid there for God knows how long, just thinking. The fact that JARVIS was uncertain was scary, he's supposed to know everything. It's his job.

You pulled yourself out of bed and walked out to go to Pepper's room. Your feet against the cold marble made a pitter-patter, alerting her that you were on your way. She wasn't asleep either. 

You opened the door, the light from the hallway creating a slice of brightness in her dark room. She scooted over and lifted up the covers, allowing you to curl up beside her, and you both eventually drifted to sleep. 

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