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Their house burned around them as they both stayed in each other's arms. Percy knew that he had to get Luke to safety, otherwise, he might burn with the house. 

He concentrated all his energy on the water inside Luke's body and with the last bits of energy in him he vapor traveled Luke out of the house.

'Protect them' he said before darkness consumed him.


When Luke finally got a sense of his surroundings. He realized that Percy wasn't in his arms and that he wasn't in the house. 

He quickly looked around to see where he was, his eyes finally landed on the house in front of him.

Their house.

Their home.


With Percy still in it.

'Dad, where's Papa?' A voice asked behind him. 

Luke burst into tears and sobbed for his dead love.

His kids caught on and also broke down and sobbed for their dead father.

And the house exploded in front of them.

The life of Percy Jackson- A Lukercy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now