Story Time: The Night He Stole My Jacket

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Izuku slung the jacket over his shoulder and reached back into his bag to grab his phone.  In a practiced motion, he reapplied the scent blockers and spritzed some of the scent onto his neck and wrists.

Walking out of the room, Izuku kissed Katsuji goodbye, shrugged on his (stolen) jacket and left for the pet shop.

It was within walking distance which meant it took only a few minutes for him to arrive.

Izuku pushed open the door and a little chime sounded.

"Ahh," the owner exclaimed, "Welcome!  You must be here for the bunny!" 

"That's right," Izuku laughed, feeling energized by the woman's joyous demeanor.

Her name tag read Hibiki and was decorated in a variety of colorful stickers.

"Good, good!  Follow me, darling!" The young woman said, walking to the counter.

Izuku trailed after the beta and watched as she typed some things up.

Hibiki pressed one last button and twisted around to grab a couple papers from the printer.

"These are the adoption forms, just sign here and here and initial here," she said, tapping a pen against the paper to show where she was talking about.

"Alright," Izuku agreed, grabbing the papers.

He skimmed the paper and made the necessary signatures, making sure to distance them from his famous signature as much as possible.

After handing the papers back, Hibiki stored them away in some filing cabinets and handed Izuku his receipt.

"Wanna see a cool trick?"  Hibiki asked suddenly.

"Yeah," Izuku chirped, not one to turn down an offer of that sort.

She took his receipt and folded it into a frog and then gave it a kiss.  The origami frog gave off a small puff of green smoke and a croak echoed throughout the store.

"Woah," Izuku marveled.

"My quirk can turn origami into real animals," Hibiki explained, "I can make any origami come to life, but it will only be the size of the origami piece I made."

Izuku took out a notebook and scribbled notes furiously.

Taking notice of his interest, Hibiki continued, "They only come to life if I kiss them and they only stay real for a time equal to how many folds I made.  Six folds equals six minutes."

Izuku looked up, eyes twinkling, and continued to write even as he asked, "Just animals or can you do people?  How about objects?  Could you make a balloon?  A plant?  A weapon?  A disease?  Do unnecessary folds count too?  Have you tried making longer parts and folding them in to make it last longer?  Or does it not work like that?  Can you turn them back into origami?  If they got a cut, what would happen?  Do they have needs like a wild frog?  Do they have to be folded correctly to become that animal?  How about-"

"I don't think I can answer all that," she interrupted with a laugh.

"Well, something to think about, I guess," Izuku said sheepishly.

"Well, I'll go get your new friend now!"

She quickly walked into the back, emerging after a few moments with a small crate.

Hibiki handed over the rabbit.  "Here he is!"  Then she handed Izuku some papers and a new receipt.  "Call if you have any questions, okay?"

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