Christmas Day pt2

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I heard the door being knowcked and I ran straight towards it so the guests wouldn't catch the cold 'Sirius, Harry, Hermione' I said in shock 'wow you have grown since I last seen you and I have heard your now going out with a Weasley' Sirirus said 'yes and it's George, plus the last time you saw me was when I was in the Orphane 2 years ago' I said to him as they put their coats on the hook.

'Hey Hermione' I said 'hows it been living here' she said 'better than Hogwarts and the Orphange' I said back 'how are things with you and George' she asked 'oh shut up' I said and we walked into the lounge laughing.

'What are you two laughing about' Ron asked 'nothing you will ever understand' 'wow Hermione good one' I said with a high five 'I may be dumb but I will find out' he said and walked off 'how long are you here for' I asked 'just today then back home' she said with a smile 'hey sister' Harry said 'hey is it better here then the family I don't know of' I asked 'yes and you don't want to know them they are horrible' he said 'thats why I'm staying here until Hogwarts, Hagrid took my things already and we got a week till we have to go back' he said with a smile 'well it's Christmas and let's make it a good one' I said to them with a laugh.

'Children lunch is ready' Molly said, we all ran to the dining room and I sat next to George and Ginny 'let's wait until everyone is at the table boys' Molly said staring and the boys on the table, me, Ginny and Hermione started laughing 'wait why are you laughing' Ron asked 'nothing' Ginny said 'come on let us know' George said 'nothing' I said.

Me and the girls just stared at each other because we all thought the same thing at once 'come on tell us' George said 'rather not' me and the girls kept laughing until we heard Mrs Weasly come to the room letting us eat.

~After the Dinner~

'So why were you girls laughing' Mrs Weasly asked 'just an inside joke' we all looked at each other 'come on you can tell me' she carried on 'should we' Ginny said 'may as well' Herminoe added in 'let's just say whenever the boys get told off by someone we all think the same thing at once then we just giggle until they get confused' I said we just looked at each other.

'Anyway it's getting late Herminoe darling you will be in Ginny's room, and Harry love you will be in Ron's room' they both acknowloge and we all went upstairs 'hey meet me after you get change' Ginny said 'okay I'll be there'.

I got changed and went to Ginny's room to have a chat with Hermione 'crap it's getting late and my mum is going to check in rooms anytime soon go run and slip into bed before she finds out we were out of bed' Ginny said and I ran to the twins room, still confused on why I'm sleeping in the same room as the twins room.

'Hope you had a good Christmas' George said standing behind the door 'yes I did' we both kissed 'urgh we have to go Hogwarts soon' I said 'I know but this year is going to be longer apparently Dumboldore won't be there because of events' he said 'then whos going to be there' I asked 'Umbridge she horrible doesn't even like kids' he said looking at the newspaper 'your telling me shes working with the ministry then working with kids ah that's funny' I said 'Aimee whatever you do don't get in trouble this year her punishments are cruel' he said and we both went to bed.

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