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I looked at George than at Harry who was coming our way, so we left Albus and the kids to dance and went towards the 'what's going on' I said to them looking at them, they pulled out a piece of newspaper and I read it 'no he can't be dead, Elija he's not alive' I whispered to them 'I know but read the name of the person' Harry said pointing at the paper 'have you had any visions yet' they asked me 'no not about her, just of a battle, but I can't say or a will change everything' I said to them 'why Pansy Parkinson' Draco asked 'do you remember when she tried to give us in any way because she wanted us dead' I asked him 'yea because she is selfish and always wanted to please him' he said looking at us 'well maybe she has started her own way of the dark lord but her way and her rules' Ginny said 'well we just have to hope it's no time soon not when we have these kids' I said to them 'okay what is going on here' Molly asked 'oh nothing just talk' we said and went quite.

~Molly's POV~

'Why are they gathered like that' I asked Percy 'I don't know mum it's weird' he said to me also confused 'go join them act as nothing happened here' I said and he walked across and started talking with them 'should I go over as well' I asked Sirius ', yes, their acting like the Order' he said with a smile 'nothing to smile about people get hurt in the order' I said and walked towards them 'okay what's going on here' I asked them and they just looked at me 'oh nothing' I walked back 'somethings going on' I said to Sirius 'then let's put some party music on and get them some drinks' Sirius said and walked out for a bit and came back in with drinks and music.

~Aimee's POV~

'Hey where's Sirius going' Draco asked 'what do we know, but what I do know is that I'm going to the dance floor' Ginny said 'ladies' she said pointing at me, Hermione, Fleur, and Luna 'okay so Sirius just brought in actual booze and actually music and McGonagall looks pissed' Luna said 'I love badass Luna' I said and we just danced together, the boys finally joined in to have a good time after trying to act hard but really they just wanted to dance 'I thought you guys would give in' Ginny said and we grabbed out partner but Dracos couldn't make it.

'Drunk adults at 4'oclock' Fred said 'bloody hell even McGonagall is joining in' Ron said and we all laughed 'Ginny where are you going' I shouted 'to get this camera and take a picture of this and grab some booze' she said and walked to the camera and started taking pictures 'if this isn't funny I don't know what is' George said 'and that is coming from the prank master himself' I said to the guys 'oi come here' he said and grabbed me around my waist a kissed me without hesitation, we broke away knowing there were children 'I love you' I said to him 'I love you too' he said looking back at me.

~End of the night~

It was the end and the children were already in bed since we were all pissed even the professors 'are they more wasted than us' I asked Ron 'yea and bloody hell Percy is even in it as well'  Ron said 'well I'm taking off my heels and helping these upstairs to the common room' I said and got my heels off 'okay who we getting' George said 'meaning as most of your brothers are drunk I am making you two get them' I said to Fred and George with a smirk.

'I'll get Molly and Fleur' I said and walked towards them 'come here, let's get you some water in the common room' I said talking to them.

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