Oh My God

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'Aimee you might want to see this' I turned around and saw Bill Weasley 'Ron dose this mean' I looked at him with hope 'I think it dose' he said I got up and went towards the house 'Bill' I said 'Fleur' I said giving her a hug 'oh my god your--' 'shush Fleur not yet' I said she winked. I went inside with her and sat down on a sofa 'you miss him don't you' she said 'very much and I have to tell him' I said to her 'listen their all alive but we can't say outloud' she said.

I was just sat on the couch going through my thought's until I heard a familiar voice 'Mrs. Weasley' I said and looked up 'Aimee' she ran to me crying with tear 'your' I nodded, I sat back down with her while still hugging with tears down my face with that more hope came back in 'I was losing hope Molly and now' she understood 'it's alright how about you stay with me on this couch today' she said.

I looked down at the ground for about 2 hours just hoping for more people 'come on George cheer up' no Aimee it's just your thoughts, all your hopes are lost 'I will never see her again' come on thoughts stop playing mine games.

'Oh My God' heard two people say at the door 'is this a dream' someone said 'but doesn't she have blonde hair' another person said 'yea' that's it I'm standing up to look 'George' I said in disbelief 'Aimee how is this possible we heard you were' I looked at him one more time 'we heard the same' I said crying into him arms.

'I can finally tell Fleur' I looked at her 'tell what' he was so confused 'I'm pregnant ever since the wedding' I said looking up at him 'my God' he said 'and you hair' he said again 'we had to change me and Harry we got caught by the snatchers and got took to the Malfoys Mansion that's why I have a cut on my throat' I said.

The others came out the room 'your leaving aren't you' Bill said to them 'yes and Aimee' Harry looked at me 'Harry I'm 9 months it's nearly due I'm not risking the life of another person' I said standing up 'reform the order then' he said and looked at me with a smile 'will do' I nodded and he left without a goodbye 'it could be any day Mrs. Weasley' Hermione said 'I'v been jumping places during the journey' I said to Molly and sat down.

'We need to send out a secret message that all the order has to meet here' I said to them 'and Percy he still works with the Ministry' I said to them 'how would you know' Fred asked 'we went undercover there to get one of the horcruxes and destroyed it their plan is to get the other and destroy them all' I said to them 'but your--' 'well oh shit' I said water broke 'take her to the bedroom now.

~After the birthing~

Girl Who Lived (George Weasley) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now