Before the Wedding

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'George listen to me please' I said 'you know somethings going to happen and were going to be apart you can't say that' he said in anger 'lower you voice, trust me so far my visions haven't changed and I don't want to be apart either and we always find our way back' I said to him 'Aimee let's get some sleep before we wake the others up' he said I helped him get comfortable and I didn't want to tell him what would happen, my friend thinks I'm gone for good and not allowed to speak to her and it hurts.


I woke up early so me, Ginny and Hermione could help out Fleur 'seem like only yesterday we met each other' Fleur said 'I will never forget the tourmenent no one will' she added on 'hey, hey today is the day where we forget about the bad and focus on the good girl your getting married today you should be happy' she smile and we all gave her a hug 'Aimee help' 'looks like I have a George to help' we all laughed and I left the room.

'Hey i'm sorry about last night' I said standing infront of him 'not your fault last night was a big event' he said with a sigh 'and your right we always find our way back so whatever happens I know I will see you again' he said with a smile 'so what do you need help with' I said 'putting on this shirt and waist coat' he said 'oh that's why you only have troussers on' I said with a laugh. I did his buttons up and put is waistcoat on him 'do you want me to do your hair aswell' I did his hair and he looked at me through the mirror 'we never talked about having our own family did we' he said 'I would like one but right now just doesn't feel like imgine raising a kis around a battle it would scar that kis no pun intended' I said 'you right after this whole thing is done let's try a have one' he said and looked towards me with a smile 'I like the sound of that' I said with a smile on my face.

'Were wanted downstairs' George said 'we walked down to see the minister of magic and Ginny and Harry making out 'morning' George said with a arm wrapped around me 'well Ginny' I said with a smirk towards her 'why the minster here' I asked Harry 'he want's to talk to me, you, Ron and Hermione' I looked at George 'this is what you were talking about' he said.

I walked into the lounge area and sat with the other 2 'what do we owe the pleasure, minister' Harry said 'Dumbuldore wanted to me to giver you lot things in his will' he said and we just looked each other 'and a message for Aimee' they looked at me 'a part of Aimee is a part of who shall not me named snake' he said looking down 'if or when you kill the snake it will also affect her' he said 'how' I asked ' I do not know, Mrs Weasley but all I know you will still live can you leave the room a second' he said and I walked out.

I walked to the back of the house in tears knowing I was one of the horcroxes 'Aimee we need your help with the tent' Auther said looking at me 'okay' I wiped me tears and walked towards the other faking a smile.

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