two ; dumbledore's warning

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Malfoy's drawling voice appeared and a platinum-blonde boy followed it. Malfoy elbowed Hermione and walked towards Harry, a gleaming smile dancing on his lips.

Ron clenched his jaw angrily. "Shove off, Malfoy."

"Did you faint too, Weasley? Did the scary old dementor frighten you too?" Malfoy continued, mischief glinting in his pale eyes.

Sage stepped forward. "Sod off, you slimy git, everyone heard you squealing from the other side of the train."

Malfoy looked taken aback. He narrowed his eyes at the raven-haired girl that stood defiantly in front of him, "Who do you think you are, defending your little friends?"

"You're pathetic, always searching for Harry, always rehearsing your next insult. Is he the only thing on your mind? Are you in love, Malfoy?" she shot back angrily.

"You filth-"

"Is there a problem?"

Everyone looked up, searching for the source of the voice. Professor Lupin stood in front of the children, smiling at them curiously. Malfoy shot Sage one last deathly glare and simpered towards Professor Lupin.

"Oh, no -- er -- Professor," Malfoy said, smirking. He glanced at Crabbe and Goyle, gesturing them to follow him back to the castle. He swaggered back up the steps, with his cronies following close suit. Sage had an urge to spit at him from behind, hoping that it would land in his sickeningly perfect hair. She held back the desire and turned back to Professor Lupin, her lips pulling into a thin smile.

Professor Lupin nodded at the four. "Well, if there is no problem, I'll be off. I hope to see you all for the Great Feast." He turned on his heel and went up the steps, heading for the staff table.

Ron turned on Sage, beaming at her for the first time. "Bloody hell, Sage! Nice one!" He held up two enthusiastic thumbs-up towards her, then hurried up the steps towards the castle, Hermione prodding behind him so he would move faster.

Sage grinned and began to follow them but stopped when she felt someone nudging her shoulder. She whipped her head to the side, her eyes falling on his grinning lips and raised eyebrows.

"That was brilliant! Thanks for that!" Harry said exuberantly. 

Sage laughed, glad that he and hopefully, Ron, were warming up to her. "You're very welcome, Harry, consider it an apology for poking you in the eye twice."

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