7-Seperation Anxiety

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Nobodies pov-

Deku sighed and growled a bit, his face turning into a scowl. It looked almost wrong on his sweet freckled face. He got off the bed and pulled Katsuki's shirt down, walking to unlock the door. 

He clicked to lock and Todoroki walked in, looking blank and a bit annoyed. "Sry Todo-kun I fell asleep and locking the door is a habit" He smiled a bit looking at Todoroki sheepishly.

Katsuki hated that he acted the same around Todoroki, like he had at UA. He was still Todo-kun's sweet little cinnamon role. Katsuki missed that version of Deku, he wished he acted like that around him too.

Todo smiled back and out of the blue pulled Deku in for a hug. Deku gasped a bit and hugged back, a bit confused. 

"Sorry...I just missed you"Todo said, his words muffled my Deku's fluffy green hair. He was still a bit taller than Deku.

When he let go of the hug Deku beamed, like the sweet little cinnamon role he used to be. "I missed you too Todo-Kun!" 

"Your still gonna call me that huh?" Todo laughed his face a bit pink as he walked inside the dorm. 

"mhm!" Deku responded following Todo into the small living room they had in the dorm. Bakugo was angry, really fucking angry. Why did he hate stupid half-n-half so much right now. He got up and walked to the door, feeling tiny explosions forming in his palms.

"Katsuki, we have school tomorrow" Deku's sweet voice disappeared when he spoke to him and it only made Bakugo more angry. "I DONT FUCKING CARE!" He screamed as he ran into the dorm hallway and stormed his way to the training arena.

-The next day time skip brought to you by an angry Pomeranian-

Katsuki pov-

Beep, Beep, Beep!

I angrily smashed the off button on my alarm clock, slowly sitting up out of bed. I was tired and just...sad. It was just the start of the day and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

I walked slowly to the bathroom, opening my bedroom door and walking into the dorm. I tugged a black undershirt over my head.

I brushed my teeth roughly, snapping my tooth brush in half like a pencil when I was done. "Fuck..." 'Your so stupid Katsuki' I thought to myself. I dragged myself back to my room, closing the door, managing to avoid Deku and Todoroki.

I got dressed in my uniform, ditching the tie and leaving two buttons undone, not realizing a. hickey Deku made was showing. I slipped in my black belt and tied my shoes, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

Once I got to class I was too spaced out to listen to Mr. Azaiwa. How was I supposed to know what he was saying was important

(the lesson he was teaching, is important to story line)

"Demon's also have quirks as well as their demon powers. However most demon quirks work differently than regular human quirks. Most of their quirks are mental quirks, like mind reading, brainwashing, mind control, ect. This also makes it very difficult to tell who uses their quirk and track down villain demons. They can use their quirk without drawing much attention to them selves." Mr Azaiwa breathed in for a sec, clenching the table. He was worried for his students in this new environment that held just as many dangers as the normal world.

"STAY on the school campus, many parts of hell, or the demon world, are riddled with villain demons. They are extremely dangerous and their are many active demon gangs.

Bakugo stared out the window blankly, the words of his teacher drowned into a faint buzzing in the background. The bell rang and he left class quickly avoiding Deku when he tried to stop him.

"Katsuki! wait!" He yelled behind him, but kacchan was too far ahead. He was practically running away now. The thing was, he didn't care where his feet took him.

He stopped after running for what felt like at least 30 minutes. He panted and tried to catch his breath. The area around him was especially dark.

He felt a hand grab his wrist and another clamp down on his mouth. He let out a muffled scream as he was pulled into a small dark alley.

He looked up and two other demons stood in front of him. One's eyes where rolled back, his vision completely white. Katsuki soon realized he couldn't use his quirk, that bastard must have an erasing quirk like his teacher

Nobodies pov.

The second demon stepped forward, his raven hair falling in his face. "Mind if I practice a new trick on you?" He cooked softly and his eyes flicked across the hickey on Bakugo's neck

He smiled devilishly, "So he is Izuku's, just wait till I have my fun, you'll see how he really feels" His eyes started to glow blue and Katsuki squirmed, whimpering a bit.

"MMMHHHH!" A loud muffled scream came from Katsuki as the quirk activated, it hurt so bad. It felt like he was being ripped apart.

The boy finished and looked satisfied "If we wanna know if it works we'll have to take him back" The white eyed boy nodded as the boy pinning Kasuki down got off. Bakugo was unconscious but looked fine, on the outside at least.

About an hour later Kacchan woke up in his bed, his clothes slightly dirty and messy. His head hurt and he clutched his chest. All he wanted was Deku, why did he leave him. 

He was angry at himself as tears started to stream down his face, he bit his lip trying to stop but his body got up and moved on it's own. He tried to not run to Deku's room and fought against the part of him that needed to cuddle up into his arms.

He opened the door not knocking to find a shirtless Deku on his phone looking very confused. His confusion turned to worry as he noticed the tears running down Katsuki's face. He watched as the smaller blonde crawled onto the bed and shamelessly sat onto his lap.

His face was red, he blushed at his own actions. His wet, pink face was twisted into a pout. He was slightly panting. He started rubbing his body against Izuku. He whimpered as more tears streamed down his face. "Deku- don't leave me- please-"His voice cracked and he just kept repeating "Why did you leave me, please don't leave me"

Deku's eyes where wide in shock, this wasn't at all who katsuki was. Something was very very wrong. He knew he had left him last night, but he didn't know it would do this to him. 

Deku's pov-

I wrapped my arms around him and Katsuki immediately nuzzled his face into my chest. I know I was planning to fuck him, but I didn't think I really had feelings for him. But my heart hurt when I saw him cry and I was flustered when he rubbed against me. 

His sobs slowly turned into whimpered and sniffles. I ran my hand through his hair and was surprised at how soft it was. I felt his body shiver and then completely relax as I kept playing with his hair.

I swear he was purring. He kept pressing his head further against my hand begging for more. I smiled and kissed the top off his head.

But I was still worried, ...was this even the Kacchan I knew?....

This will be a two part chapter :3 cause 

I'm  too lazy to write it right now, byeee ya'll

His Secrets continued/adoptedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat