8-Seperation Anxiety prt 2

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Deku's pov:

Half of me wanted to try to calm him down, or take him to recovery girl. Something seemed off about him, but he was currently grinding on my leg and whimpering. My demon side just wanted to pin him down and fuck him. But I think he was more....to me than just a sex toy or a hookup.

I wanted to make him safe and...happy.

The tears still dripping down his angry, distressed face did not look happy.

I flipped him over so he was under me, his back on the bad. "Bakugo whats wrong?" He immediately started crying. I flinched, something was very very wrong.

"hey, hey, shhhhh, why are you crying" I asked softly while kissing his cheek. "Why-did you call me Bakugo, you fucking- idiot?" he whimpered out. I couldn't help but smile a bit. "I thought you didn't like my nicknames kitty?" 

He blushed and glared at me for the new nickname, but his tears slowed. His cheeks where still shinny and I leaned into his face and licked his face. He flinched as I did it again, he tasted salty, it was addicting. 

"Stop it you dam-nghhhhmmmm" I took the opportunity while he was yelling to slip my tongue into his mouth. I won dominance immediately, it wasn't like Kacchan to give up a fight, but I enjoyed exploring his mouth.

I sucked on his tongue a bit as my hands slipped under his shirt. I felt the vibrations of his muffled moans in my mouth. I began rubbing circles around his nipples on his chest. He arched his back making my hands press harder on him.

He moaned louder panting and drooling as I left the kiss. I looked down and started kissing his sides, dragging my tongue over his perfect porcelain skin. His body is so perfect, and the way he's still trying to look angry. It only makes him more lewd.

I worked my mouth all over his chest making my  way to his sensitive nipples. I flicked my Tonge over his left nipple to find it hard. He gasped and whined, "Damn nerd- thats..-too sensitive" 

I smirked and squeezed his sides with my hands. I opened my mouth and started sucking on his chest, licking around his nipple. My right hand left his hips and rubbed over his right nipple. He was moaning so loud I was worried Todo-kun would hear him. 

I kissed his chest one last time before getting up, slipping his shirt down. He whined and tugged at my shirt. "Dekuuuu-I hate you" I just smirked a the power I had over the hot headed blondie.

"Sorry baby but you where too loud, and I don't have anything to keep you quiet" I raised my eyebrows at the last part making Kacchan blush and turn away. "NO WAY IN HELL NERD"

"mmmh we'll see about that kitty" I rolled my eyes and began to walk out off my dorm when I heard sniffles. 

Katsuki's pov:

I was still blushing when I realized he was leaving. He body immediately hurt and I couldn't hold back the tears. They did something to me, I JUST WANT IT TO STOP.

The pain increased and I cried against my will, small sobs leaking past my lips. Deku turned around looking confused, he just stood in the door way.

"p-please you can't leave me a-a-alone, don't-t" I stuttered through tears. I clenched my fist wishing I could stop crying. 

He walked toward me and picked my up, I latched on to him like a koala. I nuzzled my face into his neck, still crying. "Kat what the fuck is wrong with you" 

"Those fucking-g bastards did somethin-g to me, it hurts when you l-leave" I could barley get the sentence out. I didn't want to tell anyone, I didn't want them to know I so stupid and weak some demon had used their quirk on me. But I hated being attached to damn nerd, I fucking hate HIM.

"Oh fuck!" He immediately ran out the door, holding me close to him. I yelped a the sudden movement. "Dammit!" He kept spewing different strings of curses was he ran out of the dorms. He put me down and grabbed my hand, dragging me to recovery girl's office. She had come with us from UA to keep us healthy in this new environment.

He burst through the door and called out "He fucking got hit by a demon quirk!" He yelled to answer her confused face when he burst in. Her eyes widened before nodding and motioning me to sit on the examination table.

Nobody's pov:

She got out a light and flashed it in Bakugo's eyes, looking at how his irises where slow to react. "It was a common output of a demon quirk, mental effects" She turned to Deku, leaving a pissed Kacchan to rub his eyes, they hurt from the light.

"What symptoms? Actually just do the thing that triggered the reaction, I can figure it out fastest then" Recovery girl suggested, taking out her clip board ready to record the reaction.  Deku looked at Kacchan, he looked disoriented and confused, probably  from how fast everything had been happening. He signed and started leaving the room

As soon as Katsuki realized what was happening he ran and tugged on Deku's sleeve. "NO! don't leave please, don't do it again, it hurts-" He started crying, just like before. Recovery girls face changed from shock to worry.

"Izuku continue leaving.."She said. Deku looked up at her startled "What?!" "Just to it I need to see the full reaction"

Deku looked at Katsuki and ruffled his hair before pushing him away and quickly leaving the room, pulling the door quickly closed. Bakugo felt the pain rush toward him, he held his stomach and fell to the floor. "Deku, Deku, DEKU" He cried out, slurring the green haired boy's name between sobs. 

Deku opened the door and ran back in, not being able to take hearing Katsuki scream for him. He was laying on the floor at this point and as soon as he saw Deku the pain stopped. His body went limp, tired from the waves of pain. He looked up at Deku like a kicked puppy.

Izuku felt guilt wash over him as he bent down to pick up Katsuki, holding him close as he walked back to the table. He set him down but Katsuki didn't move, he just hugged him tighter, his hands around Deku's waist pressing his face into his chest. 

"The quirk used against him is called separation anxiety,... based on that reaction if you leave him for too long he could even...die"


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