2. The Beginning

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Hans was walking to school. As he passed the forest, he noticed a soft pale glow coming from inside a bush. It was so soft that most of the other people just walked past, not noticing it. So, he bent over and what he saw surprised him. It was an egg! He looked at it suspiciously. First of all, as far as he knew, eggs definitely don't glow. Second, that "egg"; even if it was one; was quite large, as large as his head and a little bigger. Last and not least, it was decorated with intricate rainbow designs, and rainbow glow curling around it. Hans just stared at it for so long until he realized; "Oh no, I'm gonna be late for school". And rushed to school, deciding to check on it again later after school ended to see if the owner would find it. Maybe it was an egg decoration, he thought.

After school, he ran past the forest, almost forgetting the egg. Hans picked it up, put it into his bag, and ran back home eager to find out exactly what it was. "Was it a decoration egg, an alien egg, or a dragon egg", Hans asked?. He doubted it was a dragon egg, but hoped it was. He still loved dragons, even if they weren't real. When he arrived home, he was greeted by his mother. His dad was still at work and his sister, Miranda was already in her room. Hans placed the egg on top of his bed, while he got ready to go to the library. He sometimes would go to the library to get some of his homework done. But, today it was to find out what egg that could possibly be! At the library, he asked the kind but strict librarian. Could you please tell me where the egg section is? She led him to the back of the library, where there were books about animals, myths, and legends. And told him to look on the top right of each shelf where there were books. All about legendary eggs, eggs of the beasts of the overworld, reptile eggs, eggs of the myths, and so many more none that he could even imagine. He had read through 4 books before dusk gave way to dawn, he was a fast reader after all and he had to go home. He borrowed a book about dragons, not dragon eggs. Because he just had a feeling that it was much more information and it was way much thicker. He also leaped through a few pages before he slept. He learned that each dragon had its own aura, power, and rank. Like a wolf pack, he thought. And then he found out that the rainbow aura were the strongest and the leader of dragons and had all the powers, sea aura could control water, magic aura could communicate with different beasts and had the power to conjure, and more and more auras with more power. Hans also found out that each dragon could be a different color no matter what aura and that you could tell it's aura by an amulet around each dragon's neck. He was about to read another page when his mother called out to him "Hans, go to sleep. It's getting late". 

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