4. The Adventure Begins

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"Why are we doing this again?", asked Hans, as they headed to the edge of the forest. They had asked their mom if they could explore the forest. She said "Yes, as long as you guys are back before 8:00 pm". "Because we have to, Hans. If we don't then the dragons you just found out to be real could become extinct.". "You have a point, but we could get ourselves killed!". "I don't think that'll ever happen", Miranda said. Anyway let's go!".

Inside they went into the thick canopy of trees. "Do you know where we're going?" asked Hans. "Yes, of course I did, did you think I would lead into this insane mission blind", she replied."No but, uhh never mind" replied Hans. They walked for what seemed like ages. Until they reached a river with the strongest current they have ever seen and on the other side an amazing temple caught their eyes centuries of decay everywhere near it. "Great, now what", hans groaned, "this mission is hopeless". "Let's camp here for the night," Miranda suddenly said. "What!", Hans said in shock, "No way you brought a tent. What about mom?There could be bears here too.". "Don't worry I called her and told mom we may come back tomorrow.". "What and she didn't even ask you why???". "No, she didn't so let's camp here", she said as she set up the tent near the roaring river. As they both laid down, Hans rested his head on his pillow and realised that the river could be a trick. Since they were sleeping near, the air would've been pretty cold and they should have been wet from the river splashes as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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