5. Into the Portal

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The next day they awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sound of a river. Then Hans remembered what he thought of yesterday. He told Miranda his opinion. "Well there's only one way to find out", she then said as she stepped into the raging river. He held his breath. She shouted "YOU WERE RIGHT" in joy. Their mission would not end there. They slowly made their way across the illusion river after they had packed and got ready. In the temple, stepping over rocks, stones, broken columns. In the middle of the temple was a portal, colourful and mysterious and shimmering, mysterious. "What should we do now?", Hans asked. "We go in", she replied. They closed their eyes and stepped into the giant portal.

They appeared in the middle of an island in the middle of the sea. Vines hanging from the sky from an island so high only a small black shape remained in the sky. "what should we do?" asked Miranda. There was an awkward moment of silence, then we should go up, Hans said. "No, we shouldn't", Miranda then said. "Yes, we should." "No, we shouldn't." "Yes, we should." "No, we shouldn't." Another awkward moment of silence then the real battle began as the staring contest started. Then... "you blinked" shouted Hans to Miranda. "Yeah take that we're going up." They started climbing up, slowly, and steadily up the vines they climbed tirelessly, too excited just thinking of what dragons could await in that gigantic island in the sky. They climbed and climbed until somehow dusk gave way to dawn and they had to stop. Clinging onto the vines, they hung on with their lives looking for a place to rest and sleep in the middle of the night. "Over there",Miranda said as she pointed to a small platform. "I wonder where that came from.". She wondered but at the same time grateful they were tired and wanted to rest after climbing these vines for so long their hands were sore. "Come on Hans", she said after she carefully, and cautiously climbed up to that small platform. Hans slowly followed. But then just as he reached out to the platform.... He slipped and fell down falling, and falling, and falling

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