7. Evil Will Not Prevail

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The siren was an alarm to alert everyone if there is a security breach or if an egg was stolen. in this case, it was the egg, not just any egg the rainbow egg the egg that was just rescued, was stolen again. "GUARDS, FIND THE THIEF ONCE AND FOR ALL AND GET THE EGG" King Terence bellowed. "You 2, please just wait here", the Queen said to them. As she went to discuss this with the King. "So, what should we do now?" Miranda asked. "We stay", Hans replied. "Well I'm not, I'm going to find the thief", said Miranda. "WHAT, are you crazy that thief is a dragon and it could kill you. Why would you want to do it?".

"Because I want to", as she set off inside the palace searching for the thief. Hans had no choice but to follow his sister. They headed right then left. Hans mapping out the place so they wouldn't get lost in the maze of hallways and rooms. It was all absolutely boring when Miranda caught a glimpse of a rainbow glow disappearing into a wall!. "Hans lets go", as they dived into the wall after the egg. They appeared again in a medium room where there was a large diamond plate and on it was an egg of every aura and about to the rainbow egg, it was the thief. They jumped back in surprise. It was a baby dragon, to make things worse it could stand, walk, and talk as good as an adult dragon. But his voice was dark and sinister and he said "well, well, well, what do we have here, humans friends of the ones who betrayed us" he hissed. Miranda and Hans stared at him. ''The one that turned me and me only me into one of the ancient corrupted ones and trapped my body in the realm of darkness with the other corrupted ones and the great shadow dragon. Thinking we were locked away for good, but what they don't know is that my soul escaped and now I can possess dragons. Once I place the last egg with everything else I stole, I will release my friends and the shadow dragon.". Just as the corrupted soul placed the egg, acting without thinking, they both lept on that thing at the same time knocking the egg out of his hand. Grabbing it and running out of that room all the way back to the King and Queen. "We got the egg, they panted." tired of running. They told them everything from them arguing to go or not to the shadow dragon. The King grew deathly pale at the mention of the shadow dragon. "Lead us there," said the Queen after the explanation. And they ran back there again. They arrived there just in time for the corrupted soul had packed the diamond plate and eggs he almost got away but was held back by the enraged King. "How dare you steal the rainbow egg!", he shouted to the corrupted soul. The king reached out punching the possessed dragon. But he was too fast and slipped away jumping from dragon to dragon. He then disappeared into thin air, a few seconds of confusion. He got away, they all realized. "But at least we got the eggs and the diamond plate? So he can't summon the shadow dragon" Miranda said. "Yes, but that is only the easiest way to release the shadow dragon" the Queen sighed. "The shadow dragon is an ancient dark evil that caused wreck and havoc in the Dragonas Kingdom with his fellow corrupted dragons, the dragons we have imprisoned for great crimes. After we seek refuge here, the shadow dragon decided he would have revenge on us; the dragons for hiding and the humans for hunting us down. He was too dangerous so he was locked away in the darkness realm with all the corrupted dragons. All of the rainbow dragons perished attempting to seal him away there were none left except us", the King sadly explained. "But for now you humans should leave. It is dangerous". So they did, they got a ride down to the portal and from there they resumed their journey home.

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